BBC Acknowledges Big Neo-Nazi Factor in Ukraine Coup!
- BBC Acknowledges Big Neo-Nazi Factor in Ukraine Coup!
BBC over the weekend aired a six-minute news report, titled “Neo-Nazi Threat In New Ukraine” acknowledging that a hard-core neo-Nazi minority played a key role in the overthrow of the Yanukovych government and is now wielding significant power in the new regime. The video documentary featured footage of armed hooligans in para-military formations in Maidan, including some ultra-nationalists brandishing pistols and other weapons. The BBC commentator reported that, while there were others involved in the Maidan protests, the hard-core right-wing was by far the most organized, the most violent and, ultimately, the most influential force on the scene. The report highlighted the “National Socialist” themes of the Right Sector (Pravy Sektor), and featured an interview with one leader of the group who openly called for a Ukraine for the Ukrainians alone, excluding the Poles, the Jews, and the Russians. Pressed about his neo-Nazi rhetoric, the young thug said that, while he did not openly advocate Hitler, he did support running things “our own way, a little like Hitler,” urging Russian speakers to move to Russia.
The BBC broadcast also highlighted another hard-core right-wing paramilitary group called S-14, which is affiliated with Svoboda. The BBC interviewed the group’s leader, Yevhen Karas, who blamed the whole conflict in Ukraine on the fact that “certain ethnic groups” run the Ukrainian economy. Pressed for more specifics, Karas said “Russians, Jews and Poles.” The broadcaster noted that Svoboda has four cabinet posts in the new government, including the Minister of Defense. S-14 and Svoboda members carry around buttons and signs that simply read “8-8,” referring to the eighth letter of the alphabet “h” for “Heil Hitler.” The broadcast ended by noting that as popular support for the insurgency faded, it was the radical right-wing groups that kept up the pressure. As the result, the overthrow of Yanukovych was “their victory” and the neo-Nazis now have popular legitimacy because they were at the core of the protests.