Violent Ukraine Protests, Food Inflation, Another Round of Iran Nuke Talks, JPMorgan Sued – Again!
- Violent Ukraine Protests, Food Inflation, Another Round of Iran Nuke Talks, JPMorgan Sued – Again!
by Greg Hunter’s
Violent protests continue in the Ukraine. At least 70 people have been killed and 500 injured. In a bazaar twist, 67 police officers were temporarily captured by the protesters. Now, the EU and Canada have put sanctions on Ukraine officials because of the severity of the crackdown. The sanctions target finance and trade. The European Union says the force is “excessive” and charges there are “human rights violations.” Also, the U.S. is warning the Ukraine not to go too far in the crackdown. Meanwhile, it has been reported the U.S. has been funding the Ukrainian protesters to the tune of $5 billion. It looks like there is no end in sight for the protests, but the two sides are talking.
Yet another round of talks with Iran and several world powers have finished up in Vienna. The negotiations are to curtail Iran’s nuclear program, but Iranian leaders have repeatedly said they will not stop enriching uranium. They also publicly say the Obama Administration has overstated what Iran is willing to curtail. Now, the top leader in Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, says the nuclear talks will “lead nowhere.” I do not understand the negotiation tactics of Iran. Maybe they are talking tough to get the best deal possible, or maybe we take them at their word and come to grips that they are not going to negotiate a curtailment of the Iranian nuclear program. At any rate, countries such as Israel and Saudi Arabia must be feeling nervous.
You know food inflation is bad when it starts to show up in places like CBS News and the mainstream media. Beef, pork and chicken prices are up between 16% and 23% since 2011. Meanwhile, wages are basically flat. That is putting the squeeze on the middle-class and the poor. In other economic news, housing starts plunged and unemployment did not improve. Add that to the recently poor retail sales numbers, and you cannot make a case for the so-called recovery we are told about month in and month out. What recovery we do have is floated by Fed money printing to the tune of $65 billion a month, or $780 billion a year.
Finally, there is a new lawsuit against JPMorgan executives over the $65 billion Bernie Madoff fraud scandal. The lawsuit names CEO Jamie Dimon and 12 other executives and alleges they knew about the crimes Madoff was committing. The lawsuit is being filed on behalf of shareholders of JPMorgan and charges senior executives had “direct knowledge” of the Madoff Ponzi scheme. As the Greeks say, “Character is fate.”
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