Japan Prepares For War With China! Considering Arms Transfers to Its Asian Allies!
- Japan is simply a puppet colony of the western Illuminati! IMO, the Japanese politician snakes have been told to nationalize Senkaku islands to trigger the China and allies vs Japan(+USA) and allies war, as part of the Greater Asia war (India vs Pakistan too). The Chinese Illuminati have agreed to this plan and have been preparing China for war also.
– - It is the sheeple on both sides that are being screwed ! Both Japanese and Chinese sheeple are being marked for death in this coming Satanic genocidal war! Through the Illuminist owned/controlled media, the sheeple will be brainwashed with nationalism: “We must defend our country against foreign invaders!” to fight and kill each other! The plan is to destroy national sovereignties to lay the groundwork for the Luciferian New World Order, World Government –> ‘666’!
– - The end objective is the destruction of China, Japan (and USA) … and all nation states, ie. to destroy national sovereignties. None of these national governments will be able end these genocidal wars! It is intentional, to set the world up for the coming of the Anti-Christ. Only the fake messiah, the bringer of false peace, the white horseman of Revelation 6, can end these wars! Order Out of Chaos!

- The Hegelian Dialectic in action:
– Japan (Thesis) vs China (Antithesis) war over National Sovereignty / Territory
– Destruction of both countries!
– Luciferian New World Order, World Government –> ‘666’ (Synthesis)
Both Japan and China made subservient to the Luciferian World Government! Destruction of National Sovereignties!

- Japan Prepares For War With China!
by Kit Daniels, www.infowars.com
Island nation considering arms transfers to its Asian allies
Japan is now considering future weapon transfers to other Asian countries as it builds alliances for a potential war with China.
Earlier today in Okinawa, Japanese officials met with representatives from the 10 member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to expand technological and defensive cooperation between the countries.
Although Japan and ASEAN discussed joint cooperation in response to natural disasters and anti-terrorism, Japan’s Parliamentary Vice Minister of Defense revealed that the true intent of the meeting was to bolster defense against China’s “unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force.”
As part of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s plan to “deepen and enhance cooperation” with ASEAN, a ministry official told Kyodo News that Japan is currently looking to ease its policy on arms exports, a clear indication that the island nation is taking the threat of war with China seriously.
“China appears to be at the forefront of Abe’s defense vision, bolstering the case for Japan to strengthen ties with ASEAN,” the newspaper reported. ASEAN consists of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Bruei, Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
In December, a former Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations, Sha Zukang, said that the current territorial dispute between China and Japan over the Senkaku Islands could lead to World War III.
“If China started a war with Japan, it would be much larger than both the Sino-Japanese War and World War II,” he said to the China Times. The dispute flared up in November when the Chinese government announced it would enforce air traffic restrictions inside a self-declared Air Defense Identification Zone which includes most of the East China Sea.
The controversial Chinese ADIZ not only overlaps the ADIZs of Japan and South Korea but also includes the Senkaku Islands, the aforementioned territory in dispute between China and Japan.
Amid these rising tensions, Japan is revising sections of its constitution which limits its military activities. Additionally, Japan is reportedly ramping up nuclear weapons capabilities as reported earlier by Paul Joseph Watson. China, on the other hand, plans to build four aircraft carriers in the next several years, including at least one that is nuclear powered.
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