5-Minute Video: US ‘Leaders’ JOKE About OBVIOUS War Crimes, War Lies, War Murder ….
- 5-minute video: US ‘leaders’ JOKE about OBVIOUS War Crimes, war lies, war murder!
by Carl Herman, http://www.examiner.com/, February 8, 2014
5-minute video courtesy Realist Report
In this 5-minute video, Presidents Bush and Obama, Secretary of State and presidential-hopeful Ms. Clinton, presidential-hopeful has-been John McCain, and former Secretary of State and Bush family friend James Baker all joke about:
– OBVIOUS unlawful US wars,
– all began on lies known to be false as they were told,
– their psychopathic lack of empathy about US-led wars that have killed ~30 million human beings since World War 2; more than killed by fascist Nazis.
These psychopaths mock our veterans by allowing their growing homelessness and suicides, despite obvious solutions available for everyone’s full-employment and health care.
These criminals continue a long history of lie-began US Wars of Aggression since the US invaded Mexico; despite Abraham Lincoln’s powerfully accurate rhetoric of President Polk’s lies to steal half of Mexico at the expense of US military and Mexican civilian lives. The most decorated US Marine general in his day also warned all Americans of this fact of lie-started wars for US oligarch plunder.
What can we do as American free citizens, with a tremendous heritage to speak against our own government when they violate basic lawful behavior?
Easy: arrest them for the OBVIOUS War Crimes.
Then arrest their bankster friends for crimes equally OBVIOUS for massive fraud and looting. And then arrest their lying corporate media pals who “cover” these lies and crimes from us. Speak now, or forever hold back from peace, justice, and truth.
