Scientist Exposes Flu Shots Lies And Doom-And-Gloom Media Propaganda!
- Scientist exposes flu shots lies and doom-and-gloom media propaganda!
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger,
(NaturalNews) The mainstream media has utterly abandoned science in the push for more flu shot propaganda, entirely failing to mention any of the risks associated with vaccines. According to nearly every story published in the mainstream media, flu shot vaccines offer almost certain protection against the flu while carrying absolute zero risk (risk is never mentioned).
Such a position is utterly anti-scientific. All medical interventions carry inherent risk, and this is especially so when vaccines admittedly contain mercury, MSG, formaldehyde and aluminum, all potent neurotoxic chemicals or heavy metals.
This is why vaccines routinely cause seizures in children, fevers, vomiting, comas and even death. The risk of this becoming known to the public is so great that a private, unconstitutional court called the “vaccine court” was established in order to pay off parents of vaccine-damaged children while requiring them to sign non-disclosure agreements to force them into silence. (Click here to see the astonishing video revealing this.)
Media stories that don’t mention flu shot risks are irresponsible and may cause harm to the public
Any media source that publishes an article pushing flu shots without offering a reasonable discussion of the inherent risk from doing so is acting in a highly irresponsible manner, potentially putting millions of children in harm’s way. Yet mainstream media journalists routinely fail to discuss any risks whatsoever of vaccines, almost as if such risks did not exist.
These journalists are either scientifically illiterate and not aware of such risks, or they are actively deciding to censor such discussions from their stories, thereby conspiring with the vaccine industry to keep the public ignorant of a medical intervention which may cause them serious harm or death. Such actions are highly unethical and smack of a complete lack of journalistic professionalism.
Watch the new Health Ranger video explanation
To learn more about flu shot propaganda, media lies and the abandonment of real science by the vaccine industry, watch this new screencast video I just posted:
read more!
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