How the Rockefeller Foundation Quietly Funded the Anti-Fertility Vaccine!
- How the Rockefeller Foundation Quietly Funded the Anti-Fertility Vaccine!
by Aaron Dykes,
The Rockefellers, one of the world’s wealthiest families, have been the largest financial backer of Eugenics and other population control measures.
Author Jurriaan Maessan stumbled upon some very compelling and important research back in 2010 while digging through annual reports for the Rockefeller Foundation that conclusively prove that it funded numerous research projects into the development “anti-fertility” vaccines, with its origins in scientific research dating back to at least 1968, and with successful research conducted by at least 1988. There now exists several methods to sterilize both men and women by injection, as well as to terminate pregnancies and/or induce spontaneous abortions.This is highly significant research because the Rockefeller family, dating back to oil baron John D. Rockefeller, has been on the cutting edge of financing Eugenics policy and research. Rockefeller and other primarily Anglo elites based in the U.S. East Coast and England fostered /festered a whole paradigm of social policy centered around the quack science that asserted that the superiority of some gene stocks over others was provable, while seeking various ways to reduce the populations of the “lesser” genetic groups of the world.
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