Dr. Jim Willie: Return of the Gold Standard is Near!
- Jim Willie: Return of the Gold Standard is Near!
by http://www.silverdoctors.com/
The next year will feature many powerful new effects. The Indirect Exchange will become a prominent fixture, its channel filled. It will direct many $billions in USTreasury Bonds from large scale asset acquisitions by Eastern and BRICS players, sent back to New York and London. The payments for the asset purchases will be done in USTBonds, as the Eastern entities dump them as fast as they can before the great devaluation.
At the same time, the Russians & Chinese will be busy conducting indirect audits of the Wall Street and USFed themselves. By becoming the landlord at the JPMorgan gold vaults, the Manhattan metals warehouses, and the Platt energy offices, they can push aside the corrupt gold and oil market interventions. They can realize a capital gain in the 15,000 tons of gold sitting as reserves at the Peoples Bank of China, more than enough to offset USTBond writedowns. The year 2014 will see important changes in the bond market, gold market, oil market, and currency market.
But the biggest shock waves will come from the currency reset followed by the introduction of the Gold Trade Settlement. The return of the Gold Standard is near, but it will arrive on the trade vehicles, not the FOREX currency or SWIFT bank platforms. It will feature the Gold Trade Note, used as letter of credit.
It will feature the BRICS central bank, where emerging market reserves held in USTBonds and other toxic sovereign bonds will be redeemed for Gold bullion.
The year 2014 will see important changes to global trade, in a major Paradigm Shift.
by Jim Willie, www.GoldenJackass.com
Let us take a break from the hustle & bustle loaded to the gills with nastiness and mayhem. Consider some information cookies during the Christmas holiday down time, not without a few lumps of coal. The deceptions are deep; the ranks of dupes are legion; connecting the dots is not so easy. Despite the constant stream of deception and the steady interference by the well-meaning but all too often simpletons in the madding crowd mixed with sheep, the story can be rather extensively told. It takes the new skill of connecting the dots, along with a mental stubbornness mixed with a certain measure of insight. The phrase connecting dots was not heard by the Jackass until a few years ago, from my unusual smart buddy UD in Nevada. His many messages over the years often contain the three words CONNECT THE DOTS. With his help and the guiding hand of numerous suspicious astute colleagues, we have made sense of widely scattered information from the battlefield during the global monetary war. After tying stories together, the main themes make for a fascinating spy novel that touches every corner of the world and reaches all our lives. A close examination reveals how the major nations and their leaders have been busy with popular betrayal on a grand scale, during a grand Paradigm Shift. The world will turn on more of an eastern axis in the future.
Deep deception makes fools of the majority of people in my former world. Many are the old friends, family members, and colleagues who refuse to give a close look at the ample evidence. Many prefer to live under outmoded wrong-footed assumptions. Some prefer to live under common deep delusions. The Jackass and buddies choose instead to make sense of the countless items on the table, since it tells a story. Regardless of whether the story is ugly, it is the event schedule of our times. We connect dots like Sherlock Holmes or Thomas Clancy and reveal George Orwell and Aldous Huxley. The people can take action, and need not succumb with mutterings and idle complaints. We can close bank and stock accounts and cash in bank certificates of deposit. We can buy gold & silver bars and coins. We can leave the country altogether, and take up residence elsewhere. The world does not revolve around the American Dome. Consider a cornucopia of items on the table, laden with deceptions.
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