Bill Murphy: Gold & Silver Prices Going to be Very Volatile!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] Congress Fears Out of Control Obama Could Suspend Election Laws! by Anthony Gucciardi, From DHS enacting ‘Constitution-free zones‘, to executive orders taking over all forms of communication authority within the United States — the Obama Administration has already gone far beyond corruption and deception and into an entirely new level of dictatorial control. …
[youtube=] Doc & Turd: Gold Set to Rally Off Double Bottom As JPM Goes Massively Long! by Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St was able to interview Turd Ferguson of TF Metals Report and The Doc of Silver Doctors for a 30+ minute round table discussion on gold, silver, inflation and the …
[youtube=] Gaza: Life and death under Israel’s drones! by Jonathan Cook, There are many things to fear in Gaza: Attacks from Israel’s Apache helicopters and F-16 fighter jets, the coastal enclave’s growing isolation, the regular blackouts from power shortages, increasingly polluted drinking water and rivers of sewage flooding the streets. – Meanwhile, for most …
“THE REALITY IS THE USFED IS MONETIZING AT LEAST $200 BILLION PER MONTH, MORE THAN DOUBLE THE OFFICIAL VOLUME STATED AND ADMITTED.” – Quote USFed QE Volume to Triple, not Taper! by Jim Willie CB, The US Federal Reserve bond monetization support for government finance support, financial markets, banker welfare, economic props, redemption coverage, and …
The “As If” Government Non-Farm Employment Report! by Statism survives by looting. A free country survives by producing – Ayn Rand – What’s amusing about the jobs report is that everyone discusses them as if they are valid. Even to the extent that they know the numbers are absurdly manipulated, they still dissect, analyze …
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Swiss refinery report: Gold supply has never been tighter! by CHRIS POWELL, Dear Friend of GATA and Gold: – Interviewed today by GATA consultant Koos Jansen, Anglo Far-East Bullion Co.’s Alex Stanczyk discusses his recent trip to a Swiss gold refinery whose managing director told of an unprecedented shortage of metal as China consumes …
Food poverty in UK has reached level of ‘public health emergency’, warn experts! by Charlie Cooper, The Government may be covering up the extent to which austerity and welfare cuts are adding to the problem – Hunger in Britain has reached the level of a “public health emergency” and the Government may be covering …
[youtube=] Afghanistan is now a colony of the Anglo American western empire. Any idea that it is an independent country with a democratic process is nonsense. – Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan, the Taliban and the Bush Oil Team! by Wayne Madsen, via, 23 January 2002 According to Afghan, Iranian, and Turkish government sources, Hamid Karzai, the interim …
Scientists easily reprogram childhood memories of adult study subjects! by J. D. Heyes, (NaturalNews) What would happen if someday medical science could essentially erase your real memories and replace them with phony ones? There’s no way this technology could be misused, right? – Well, according to published reports, Mankind may be on the verge …
Economists Warn Depositors May Be Burnt In Bail-Ins (Part III)! by Mark O’Byrne, … On Tuesday we launched our in depth research report ‘From Bail-Outs to Bail-Ins: Risks and Ramifications’ in order to shed light on and foster debate on what we believe is one of the most significant risks facing investors, savers, all …
[youtube=] Senkaku Islands Tension Leading to War? Syrian Civil War Rages On, Obama Care Update and More! by Greg Hunter’s The big story is, once again, the tensions in the East China Sea and the newly made Air Defense Zone created by China over the Senkaku Islands. This is primarily a dispute between China and …