Obama-Biden Exposed as Liars & Hypocrites!
Obama-Biden Exposed as Liars & Hypocrites!
by http://larouchepac.com/
Three leading Democratic Senators — Carl Levin (D-MI), Mark Pryor (D-AR), and Joe Manchin (D-WVA) broke with Obama today to oppose the “naked power grab” that destroyed the 226-year tradition of the filibuster. During the heated debate, Levin delivered a strong attack on the move to destroy the filibuster rule, quoting none other than Vice President Joe Biden, who opposed the Republicans attack on the filibuster rule in 2005. Biden’s comments, including a CSpan video of his 2005 remarks are going viral. Here is what the emotional Sen. Biden said in 2005, railing against Vice President Dick Cheney the Republican attempt to eliminate the filibuster protection of due process.
“We’re about to break the rules to change the rules. You cannot change the Senate rules by a pure majority vote,”
he insisted. Biden boasted that in the 32 years he had been in the Senate, the Parliamentarian had shot down every attempt to do something that did not follow the rules, but now Cheney was writing new rules.
“Watch the vice president (Cheney) ignore—he’s not required to look to an unelected officer—but that has been the practice for 218 years… He (Cheney) will make the ruling, which is a lie. A lie about the rule…. This is what’s really going on here, the majority doesn’t want to hear what others have to say even if it’s the truth…. The ‘nuclear option’ abandons America’s sense of fair play… I say to my friends on the Republican side, you may own the field right now, but you won’t own it forever. I pray God, when the Democrats take back control, we don’t make the kind of naked power grab you are doing.”
Video of Biden’s remarks.
Obama is a liar too, and recordings of his 2005 opposition to breaking the filibuster tradition are being replayed on CNN and other media. In 2005, Sen. Obama said,
“Everyone in this chamber knows that if the majority chooses to end the filibuster—if they choose to change the rules and put an end to democratic debate, then the fighting and the bitterness and the gridlock will only get worse.”
(emphasis added)
“I urge my Republican colleagues not to go through with changing these rules . . . What (Americans) don’t expect is for one Party, be it Republican or Democrat, to change the rules in the middle of the game, so that they can make all the decisions while the other Party is told to sit down and keep quiet.”
Today, Obama made a gloating appearance at the White House to praise the end of the filibuster, saying,
“The vote today, I think, is an indication that a majority of senators believe as I believe that enough is enough . . . . “It’s no longer used in a responsible way to govern. It’s rather used as a reckless and relentless tool to grind all business to a halt. That’s not what our founders intended and its certainly not what our country needs right now.”