We Are Now In The “Last Innings” Of The End Game!
- We Are Now In The “Last Innings” Of The End Game!
by www.kingworldnews.com
On the heels of more volatile trading in global markets, today Canadian legend John Ing warned King World News that we are now in the “last innings” of the end game. Ing, who has been in the business for 43 years, also revealed a coming radical change in policy by China that is going to shock market participants. He also discussed what all of this will mean for key markets such as gold in his fascinating interview.
The Western world is still faced with increasing debt. The mainstream media has been focused on the fact that there was a very small decline in the budget deficit, but if you look back in history it took the United States 192 years to rack-up $1 trillion of debt. Then, the next $1 trillion of debt took only 30 years. Astonishingly, now we are going through $1 trillion each year.
Right now China has somewhere on the order of $1.2 trillion, and has been diversifying away from those dollar reserves into everything from skyscrapers, to companies, to gold. The Chinese will continue to do that, but, meanwhile, because of the slowdown of international investors buying dollars, ironically the Fed has had to print dollars in order to buy dollars (laughter ensues). That, too, is unsustainable.
We are getting into the last innings of this (end game), so my expectation is that when you see the increased volatility in the price of gold, what that’s telling us is the time is drawing close.”
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