Rising Tensions Between China and Japan!
As part of the Illuminati’s plan for a New World Order, all governments must be made to be seen as part of the problem, as inept, incompetent, corrupt, powerless to solve the problems … etc. You are seeing it happen now! The Illuminati will start wars, racial conflicts, unrest, economic / financial / monetary collapse, famine, mega-deaths, genocide, diseases, ‘natural’ (ie. man-made, think HAARP) disasters … etc. in the next stage of world history.
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No government in the world will be able to solve these problems. It is deliberate incompetence. The Illuminati are simply executing their psychological operations (psyop) against the sheeple. This is to prepare the sheeple to accept their Man of Sin, the Anti-Christ. When he appears this white horseman will miraculously stop wars, control, organize governments to effectively do their job, institute a new economic, financial and currency order … etc! Suddenly, everything is alright and economic prosperity arrives. The sheeple will fall for this psyop! It is all a SCAM!
– - Ask yourself this: why did Japanese PM Abe nationalized the Senkaku islands? Obviously, he knows it will lead to conflict with China! As part of the agreement to normalize relationship between Japan and China, it was agreed that both sides will set aside their claims over sovereignty. Ie. it will remain as private property with neither side claiming sovereignty.
Senkaku row shelved in ’70s: Nonaka
by http://www.japantimes.co.jp/ , 5 June 2013
BEIJING – In a new ripple to Japan’s assertion of ownership of the disputed Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, former chief Cabinet Secretary Hiromu Nonaka said leaders from Japan and China had agreed to shelve the territory row when the two countries normalized relations in the early 1970s.
The remark by the former Liberal Democratic heavyweight, a disciple of the late Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka, who cut the normalization deal with Beijing in 1972, contradicts the government’s official stance that there was no such agreement at the time. …. read more!
– - Japan is simply a puppet colony of the western Illuminati! IMO, the Japanese politician snakes have been told to nationalize Senkaku islands to trigger the China and allies vs Japan(+USA) and allies war, as part of the Greater Asia war (India vs Pakistan too). The Chinese Illuminati has agreed to this plan and has been preparing China for war also.
– - It is the sheeple on both sides that are being screwed ! Both Japanese and Chinese sheeple are being marked for death in this coming Satanic genocidal war! Through the Illuminist owned/controlled media, the sheeple will be brainwashed with nationalism: “We must defend our country against foreign invaders!” to fight and kill each other!
– - The end objective is the destruction of China, Japan (and USA) … and all nation states, ie. to destroy national sovereignties. None of these national governments will be able end these genocidal wars! Only the fake messiah, the bringer of false peace, the white horseman of Revelation 6, can end these wars! Order Out of Chaos!

- The Hegelian Dialectic in action:
– Japan (Thesis) vs China (Antithesis) war over National Sovereignty / Territory
– Destruction of both countries!
– Luciferian New World Order, World Government –> ‘666’ (Synthesis)
Both Japan and China made subservient to the Luciferian World Government! Destruction of National Sovereignties!
Rising Tensions Between China and Japan!
by http://larouchepac.com/
In response to reports that Japanese Prime Minister Abe had approved defense plans to intercept and shoot down unmanned Chinese drones flying over disputed islands in the East China Sea, China’s Defense Ministry has warned that, “If Japan does resort to enforcement measures like shooting down aircraft, that is a serious provocation to us, an act of war.” Spokesman Geng Yansheng is quoted on the Ministry’s website warning that China will “undertake decisive action to strike back, with every consequence borne by the side that caused the trouble.”
Geng told reporters that China would always respect the inviolability of national borders, but would take every measure to defend its own. “China’s military aircraft will not violate the territorial airspace of other countries; nor will we allow aircraft of other countries to violate China’s airspace. We’d like to remind relevant sides of not underestimating the unwavering will and resolve of the Chinese military to safeguard national sovereignty.”
The statement by Geng has been widely circulated in the Chinese press since he met with reporters on the afternoon of Oct. 26, leading to heightened tensions in the region. China has also been conducting naval maneuvers in the Eastern Pacific over the last few days moving from the East China Sea north of Japan into Pacific waters.
At the same time, however (perhaps to take the edge off of the tough statement), Geng briefed the reporters on an Oct. 23 incident during which China had allowed ships from the Japanese Maritime Defense Agency to enter Chinese waters in order to assist a a Japanese fishing vessel which had foundered there. A Chinese Navy vessel was also deployed to assist the Japanese vessels in the rescue operation “out of humanitarian considerations.”