Senator Lindsey Graham to Congress: ‘Let’s Just Blow Up Iran’!
- Sen. Lindsey Graham to Congress: ‘Let’s Just Blow Up Iran’!
by Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton,
Forget Syria; Lindsey Graham is going straight for Iran.
The Republican Senator from South Carolina announced on Saturday that he is going to officially approach Congress to seek military authorization for a strike on Iran to destroy the nation’s nuclear program.
The Blaze reports:
“Graham, speaking on Gov. Mike Huckabee’s Fox News program, said the move will work to make sure we send ‘a clear signal that this debacle called Syria doesn’t mean we’re confused about Iran.’”
Is this a signal that Iran was the goal of Syrian intervention all along? Senator Graham has been warning that if we don’t bomb Syria, it will lead to war with Iran within six months.
Graham has a long history of warmongering, especially when it comes to Iran. Back in 2010 at an AIPAC meeting, the Senator told the pro-Israel lobby that, “The Congress has your back” and Israel is “our best friend in the world.” He went on to say “all options must be on the table” and “you know exactly what I’m talking about” when it comes to potentially bombing Iran.
In addition, Graham’s top campaign contributors include Boeing and General Electric — key military-industrial complex players that would profit heavily off any war.
Likewise, the Senator has shown his readiness to abandon the Constitution and Bill of Rights, particularly under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), to strip suspects of due process rights in the name of the neverending War on Terror:
Graham: “And when they say, ‘I want my lawyer, you tell them shut up! You don’t get a lawyer! You’re an enemy combatant and we’re gonna talk to you about why you joined al Qaeda.”
Let’s not forget, Senator Graham was casually scaremongering his constituents just a few weeks ago that Iran might nuke South Carolina:
Found in the CBS report entitled ‘Graham: Nukes In Hands Of Terrorists Could Result In Bomb Coming To Charleston Harbor’, the report details Graham’s warning that a lack of military action in Syria could result in a nuclear ‘bombing’ in Charleston, South Carolina — the very destination of the black ops nuclear transfer. The CBS report reads:
“He [Graham] says if there is no U.S. response [to Syria], Iran will not believe America’s resolve to block Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Graham also says those nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists could result in a bomb coming to Charleston Harbor.”
Graham is quite literally saying that if we do not launch a war with Syria, South Carolina may be nuked.
Then again, what do we know? After all, Graham has said independent journalists like us don’t really deserve the protections of the First Amendment:
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