Syria War Vote is Overwhelmingly Negative, G-20 Summit, 10 Year Treasury and More!
- Syria War Vote is Overwhelmingly Negative, G-20 Summit, 10 Year Treasury and More!
by Greg Hunter’s
All eyes are on Syria and the threat of a U.S. strike. It is apparent the overwhelming majority of Americans are against going to war in Syria. A special Senate committee voted 10 to 7 for military action. They are calling for the strike to “change momentum on the battlefield.” Reports coming from legislators are extremely negative. Democrat Mark Pocan of Wisconsin is a no in the House. He says calls to his office are 15 to one against. It’s the same for Democratic Senator from California Diane Feinstein. She says calls to her office about bombing Syria are “overwhelmingly negative.” They may squeak something through the Senate, but the House is going to vote this down. The Republicans are going to get the help of nearly 50 Democrats; so, this is not partisan. Even so, the White House is saying the President might go ahead with action anyway. That will be a huge mistake!!! This could start World War III, and don’t think members of Congress don’t know this.
The pushback from the rest of the world is also negative. We do not have many, if any, allies that will actually help the U.S. bomb Syria. When it comes to the issue of the al-Qaeda backed rebels, the warmongers are trying to downplay al-Qaeda’s involvement. I have been telling you about the al-Qaeda connection for more than a year. Even so, Secretary of State Kerry says the terror connection is less than 25% of the rebel forces. Leader of Russia Vladimir Putin said of Kerry, “. . . he is lying, and he knows that he is lying. This is sad.” To top it off, the New York Times is reporting on executions at the hands of the al-Qaeda backed rebels. It comes complete with gruesome video. These are the people they want to put in power in Syria. American credibility is circling the drain.
This does not just affect our military but our currency. Did you notice the 10-year Treasury this week–it hit 3%. That means mortgage rates are also rising. Is the rest of the world dumping our bonds? I think so. Isn’t the Fed soaking up $85 billion a month, and rates are still going up?
Meanwhile, the G-20 is meeting in Russia. What you are not hearing is what they are talking about. Many nations want to stop using the dollar in global trade, and it is already happening in many places around the globe. At the G-20, they are in the process of doing just that. If the dollar is abandoned, it could spell big inflationary trouble here at home. Remember, with all this talk about another war in Syria, the U.S. still has many enormous budget issues. There is $17 trillion and growing in our deficit, and the debt ceiling is approaching. If we don’t do something on both fronts, the government could be shut down, and it is possible we could default on our debt. At the very least, American credibility is taking a very big hit.
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