Entities Prepare For COMEX Failure That Will Shock The World !
- Entities Prepare For COMEX Failure That Will Shock The World!
by www.kingworldnews.com
With gold and silver prices surging strongly, today one of the legends in the business warned King World News that investors should expect to see a failure at the COMEX. He also warned that this event will “shock market participants around the world.” Keith Barron, who consults with major companies around the world and is responsible for one of the largest gold discoveries in the last quarter century, also spoke about what this will mean for the gold and silver markets. Below is what he had to say in this powerful interview.
Barron: “We had the gold and silver prices take a dive a couple of days ago when a Fed governor in Chicago made some noises about the Fed potentially tapering QE. But we are already seeing gold and silver rallying again. The reality is that the stock and bond markets will crater if the Fed gets serious about tapering….
I firmly believe there will be a point in the future when this sort of event triggers a run on the COMEX, and more and more entities are going to ask for physical delivery. This will have the effect of breaking the COMEX and creating a failure. When that takes place you will see an explosion in the prices of gold and silver that will literally shock market participants around the world.”
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