Retired Major General Albert Stubblebine, Ex Head of All Army Intelligence on 9/11: Pentagon NOT Hit by Airplane! WTC7 Brought Down by Explosives! Official US Account is a LIE!!
- Major General Albert “Bert” N. Stubblebine III, head of all intelligence says:
Pentagon NOT hit by a plane
WTC 7 brought down by explosives
Media in America is controlled
See General Stubblebine’s complete report, released after this video. In it, General Stubblebine attests to and produces photographs of a disintegrated A-3 Skywarrior AND a Global Hawk cruise missile. The doctored pentagon impact video release shows the Global Hawk’s tail flipping up over the building. The shoe fits. Raytheon execs and refitting of the 66 foot wingspan/14 foot vertical displacement A-3 were involved, and evidence of directional charges set in the pentagon are proven and shown in super sharp 2×2 film format photos. The ‘drop away floors’, destroyed by ‘the intense fire and heat’ have desks and papers less than three feet from where huge timbers were allegedly burned in half. The papers and other flammable objects are not even singed.