MI5 Demonizes Muslims Like Nazis Demonized Jews!
- It appears the British Intelligence psyop is working! This latest Woolwich attack is a false flag terror attack fomented by western Illuminist intelligence agencies. Their playbook is the Clash of Civilizations (Samuel Huntington). This is to prepare the world for the coming Satanic World War 3! The Illuminists-Satanists are simply using the Hegelian Dialectic, the Satanic philosophy: Order Out of Chaos to manipulate and deceive the sheeple. The sheeple, unfortunately, are easily deceived useful idiots complicit in their own destruction!
Western World (Thesis) vs Muslim World (Antithesis)
bring them into conflict: Satanic World War 3. Then:
Luciferian New World Order (Synthesis)
Destruction of both Western world and Muslim world.
– - Similarly:
Capitalist/Democracy West and their allies (Thesis) vs Communist/Socialist Russia/China and their allies (Antithesis)
bring them into conflict: Satanic World War 3. Then:
Luciferian New World Order (Synthesis)
Destruction of both world system and introducing a fascist, neo-feudal system ruled by the Satanic bloodlines. A Global Militarized-Police State –> ‘666’!