Dr. John Trumpbour: The Clash of Civilizations & Perpetual War!
- The Clash of Civilizations is an Illuminist psyop to direct the world to their Satanic World War 3 in preparation to launch their Luciferian New World Order! It is Illuminist social engineers’ directed history, plan for the world. They foment fear, hate, violence, wars … build enemies …. using this psyop plan. It is about building 2 opposing forces and then setting them into conflict. Both forces will then be annihilated and out of this the Illuminists-Satanists will launch their endtimes final world empire! Order Out of Chaos the Satanic Hegelian Dialectic philosophy!
– - Muslim fundamentalism / radicalism / terrorism has its roots in western Illulminist intelligence agencies: CIA, MI5/6, Mossad … etc. They are still owned/controlled by them!
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