Andrew Maguire: Physical Demand Shows Gold In Massive Bull Market !
- Maguire – Physical Demand Shows Gold In Massive Bull Market!
Today whistleblower Andrew Maguire told King World News that massive global physical demand reveals that gold is in fact in a full-fledged bull market. Maguire, who recently appeared in the extraordinary CBC production titled, “The Secret World of Gold,” also spoke with KWN about what’s happening with GLD, bullion banks and the LBMA. Here is what Maguire had to say in part I of an extraordinary series of interviews to be released today.
Maguire: “Let’s take a minute now and take the blinkers off of this so-called ‘bear market’ in gold. You cannot have a bear market when even the officially reported demand is surging to its highest levels in 18 months. On top of this official data we also know that wholesale demand is exponentially larger. We see this by monitoring the less transparent daily wholesale market, and those outflows are not even recorded in this data….
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