US Anti-Terror Policy Creates Hundreds of New Enemies!
- The Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) is an Illuminist HOAX! GWOT is an Illuminist euphemism for spreading/creating terrorism. The objective is always the opposite of what the Illuminist leaders say. It is to create more terrorism and more enemies. The Satanic methods are: subtlety and deception! War is peace, terrorists are victims, victims are terrorists, good is evil, evil is good, “let us start more wars for the sake of peace” … it is Satanism! The blasphemous reality of the mentally ill.
– - Isn’t extra-judicial illegal drone killing, indiscriminate drone killing where 90+% are innocent people … terrorism? Does the law allow America to kill anyone it labels as terrorists? Where is the due process of the law? Where is the submission of evidence and proof in a court of law that these people labelled as ‘terrorists’ have committed a crime? What the US government is doing is called LAWLESSNESS!
– - Iraq and Afghanistan are both illegal wars of aggression. There are NO proofs that Iraq had WMDs or were involved in 9/11. It has been publicly admitted by the Bush administration that Iraq – Saddam Hussein was not involved in 9/11, despite the administrations earlier lies. There are NO evidence that Afghanistan was involved in 9/11. Both Iraq and Afghanistan have never attacked America. It is proven that 15 out of 19 hijackers were Saudi Arabians. None was Afghans or Iraqis! Osama bin Laden was a Saudi and a CIA asset! He publicly denied involvement in 9/11 !

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