Silver Shield Report #74: The Tipping Point !

- Silver Shield Report #74- The Tipping Point!
by Silver Shield,
I think we are at the tipping point from Denial Phase into Anger Phase of Humanity. Everyday we are feeling the click-clack of the chain ratcheting our roller coaster life up to greater and greater heights and detaching us from the reality that surely awaits us below. We are looking around at the smiles of denial that want to believe this ride will go on forever, but we know what awaits.
Humanity wants to believe everything will be alright. We are indoctrinated into wanting to believe. We want to believe in Santa. We want to believe that everyone is nice. We want to believe that the path so easily laid out for us will bring us happiness. We want to believe that debt will lead to wealth. We want to believe in world of good guys and easily identifiable bad guys. We want to believe we have purpose in doing essentially nothing.
The paradigm will change when the reality on the world differs from the perception that is played before our eyes. No amount of logical presentations, personal interventions or evidence will awaken the mass of humanity. You can stop wasting hours everyday watching the play-by-play of the collapse, because this is a waste of precious time in the real world. There is no point in looking for hope in the political, financial or military worlds, the criminal Elite own that racket lock, stock and barrel.
I have found that there are only a very small percentage of humanity that are intuitive problem solvers. (Find out if you are a 1 off of the INTJ personality.) These people make up the vast majority of the people who follow my work. We are faced now faced with the reality of being surrounded by dangerously ignorant neighbors. You can forget about the DHS or drones, your starving neighbor is your greatest threat when this reality comes.
We are witnessing the physical detachment from the perceived reality, and soon the denial party will end. We have already seen the physical run on guns and ammo that has been relentless for months. We are now witnessing that same panic buying in precious metals. The final two real markets will be in energy and food, and in that order. When that happens, you will see why Thomas Hobbes said, “No arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death: and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.”
China is leading the rest of the world in dumping the dollar in bi-lateral trade that will render trillions of over seas dollars with little use. Unlike the Japanese of the 80′s and 90′s that wasted their dollars on showcase properties like Pebble Beach and Rockefeller Center, these anti Hegemon nations are developing relations for commodities and productive capacity through business ties. The rest of the world is eagerly grasping on to this because the Anglo American empire has only offered debt and death.
When I started the Silver Shield Report I stated that counter-party risk is the most important word people needed to understand and eliminate out of their life. The closer we get to the Anger Phase the more egregious the the break in every financial, political and social contract will be. It won’t just be the psychopaths that are at the top of these schemes of trust between the schemer and those the “want to believe”. It will be mainly from those that cannot or will not make good on the promises they made before the world changed. It is one thing to be taken by a parasite that is of its very nature to steal, it is most soul stealing to see the good people in your life break faith.
“To believe in something and not live it, is dishonest.” – Gandhi
These past two weeks have on the macro and micro scale of my life has given me pause for the first time since I left my family’s business. In May of 2008 I could no longer live the life I once led with what I knew now. I simply could not deal with the psychopaths and the debt based consumer life. I had to make a clean break and leave everything behind. I am once again at this same tipping point in my life and I know what must be done.
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