Dr. Kevin Barrett: Al-CIAda Aims to Wreck Muslims, West in Clash of Civilizations!
“Al Qaeda is a creation of the US intelligence apparatus! It is extremely well documented ! Many of the terrorist attacks are in fact orchestrated by the US intelligence and military!” – Michel Chossudovsky P2, 7:40 onwards
- Al-CIAda aims to wreck Muslims, West in clash of civilizations!
by Dr. Kevin Barrett, http://www.presstv.ir/
The al-Nusra front in Syria has officially announced that it is part of al-Qaeda. Even before the announcement, everyone knew it was al-Qaeda. So why is it being armed to the teeth with US-supplied weapons, and given training and strategic and diplomatic support by the US government?
The US, after all, is officially at war with al-Qaeda, which the American government blames for the still-unsolved crimes of September 11th, 2001.
The US says al-Qaeda poses such an extraordinary threat that the Constitution must be suspended, the Bill of Rights set aside, and the President given emergency powers to kill or kidnap anyone on earth without due process of law.
This is a very odd claim, since there is no evidence that al-Qaeda poses any real danger to Americans. Even if 9/11 were an actual al-Qaeda attack, and the 19 utterly incompetent pseudo-Muslim playboys blamed for it somehow beat billion-to-one odds and actually pulled it off, terrorism of all kinds would still not pose any statistically significant threat to Americans, who would be more likely to die from lightning strikes and bathtub drownings.
Since 9/11, we have learned about the real capabilities of al-Qaeda. The mentally-challenged shoe bomber Richard Reid, and the equally-inept underwear bomber Abdulmutallab, were apparently both too stupid to know that C-4 type explosives cannot possibly explode without a detonator. By trying to light C-4 with a match, and failing to even start a small fire with which to burn their own appendages, these imbeciles made al-Qaeda the laughingstock of the world.
Why does al-Qaeda hardly ever even try to attack the US – and when it does, the “attacks” are so laughable? Why does al-Qaeda never, ever attack Israel? Why does al-Qaeda instead attack Muslims, and kill them by the tens of thousands?
If we could answer those questions, we might be better able to understand why al-Qaeda is receiving such massive US support for its depredations in Syria.
Al-Qaeda claims it wants to drive the US and the Zionists out of the Muslim lands. It claims it wants to unite the world’s Muslims into a single caliphate. Polls show that a strong majority of the world’s Muslims support these objectives – but they do not support al-Qaeda.
Three-quarters of Muslims want US forces to immediately withdraw from all Islamic countries. Almost four-fifths agree that the so-called “war on terror” is really a war on Islam. Three-quarters support shariah as the basis for the legal system in every Islamic country. Two-thirds want to “unify all Islamic counties into a single Islamic state or caliphate.” (Source: WorldPublicOpinion.org)
So a crushing majority of Muslims supports what al-Qaeda claims it is fighting for. Yet less than 20% of Muslims view al-Qaeda favorably, while roughly 80% view it unfavorably.
Why do most Muslims support every one of al-Qaeda’s stated objectives, yet despise al-Qaeda itself?
The answer: Muslims are horrified by al-Qaeda’s terrorist tactics. Polls show that Muslims, more than any other group on earth, reject terrorism. Fewer than 10% of Muslims worldwide believe that attacks on civilians may be justified by political ends.
Americans – unlike Muslims – do support terrorism. According to a Gallup poll, more than half of non-Muslim Americans believe it is sometimes justifiable to target and kill civilians. And nearly three-quarters of Americans support drone strikes, which primarily kill innocent civilians.
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– - Muslim Brotherhood created by British Intelligence
By fabricating a bogus war between Islamic fundamentalism and the West, the globalists are able to attack their real enemy, humanity. Pulling the strings, they will ensure that both Western and Muslim states are degraded and finally completely subjugated to their odious rule.
– - The Masonic Origins of the Muslim Brotherhood (emphasis mine)
The Masonic origins of the Islamists movements, and their true goal to undermine Islam and fight for Western Zionist Powers such as Britain and the United States of America. The Muslim Brotherhood has acted as a clever technique to recruit agent-provocateurs for the Illuminati. The lowest ranks may sincerely believe they are defending Islam, and confronting “Western imperialism”. However, these various terrorist groups, through representing different factions, are part of a single network serving the same Illuminati cause.
When we explore the political and financial connections of the terrorists, we find that these are not merely wayward fanatics, operating in isolation, but that their channels penetrate to the upper reaches of power, in the British and American governments, and outward into the nether regions of the occult and criminal underworlds.
– - Terrorism And The Illuminati! A 3,000 Year History! by David Livingstone
Contrary to myth being fabricated, Islam does not pose a threat to the West. Rather, Islamic “terrorist” organizations have been created to serve Western imperialistic objectives. These groups are intertwined with Western power through a network of occult secret societies. This relationship dates back to sixth century BC, and the birth of the Kabbalah, in Babylon; a plot to seek world domination through the use of magic and deception.
“The ultimate goal that these people have in mind … is the goal to create a One World Government run by the banking industry .. run by the bankers! … The whole agenda is to create a One World Government where everybody has an RFID chip implanted !”
– Aaron Russo 0:15 onwards
“He’s (Rockefeller) the one who told me 11 months before 9/11 ever happen, there was going to be an event. .. And out of that event we will invade Afghanistan, (for) the pipelines to the Caspian sea. We were going to invade Iraq .. to take over the oil fields, establish a base in the Middle East and make it all a part of the New World Order! And we will go after Chavez Venezuela. Sure enough 9/11 happened ! … And there was going to be this War on Terror which has no real enemy. And the whole thing is a giant HOAX! … This whole War on Terror is a FRAUD! ”
– Aaron Russo 2:30 onwards