David Lipton (CFR Meeting): Evolution of the IMF in the Global Financial System!
- The Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) is a geo-political arm in the western Illuminati’s organization. In the Illuminati’s organization, the profane, secular departments (for eg. CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg …) report to the priest class (Council of 13 …). It is the priest class which controls the power. This religious class gets their directions/instructions from fallen spiritual beings, demons, fallen angels –> Satan/Lucifer. This hierarchy is based on the mystery schools/religions of Babylon/Egypt.
– - The plan of the Illuminati is for a Luciferian New World Order, World Government and a Global Supra-National Central Bank (which will very likely be the IMF 2.0). The path towards this end is via intense global wars, chaos, genocide; economic, social, financial, currency collapse …. etc. This IMF 2.0 will rule a new World Financial Hegemony via a One World Currency backed by gold –> ‘666’!
– - The IMF, World Bank, ECB, BIS, FedRes …. and practically all central banks are privately owned Illuminist corporations! They have almost total control of the global monetary system except for a few countries: Iran, North Korea ..

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