Breaking on Australia TV! ET Disclosure: Dr. Charles Hall, Nuclear Physicist – “The U.S. Military Worked with Aliens, Extraterrestrials”!
“… by the time they get to 600 or 800 years old they’re very tall. 8 and a half, 9 or 10 feet tall.” – 3:15 onwards
- Published on Mar 25, 2013
Australian TV show interviews Charles Hall who worked with ET at US Bases.
– - Here is my simple advice to Christians: Wakey! Wakey! Better brush up on your understanding on the Days of Noah, the Antediluvian History, the period before the Genesis Flood, the Nephilim Giants … etc. This UFO-Aliens Disclosure/Invasion is the strong delusion of 2 Thess 2:9-12 ! Two coming events are going to cause the Great Falling Away of the Church:
– The Destruction of Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit!
– Followed closely by the UFO-Alien Invasion/Disclosure!
– - I am revising my forecast upwards, from 50-75% wipeout to 75%-90% wipeout of the Christian church. I no longer have much confidence in mainstream church leaders. They are asleep and because of that the Christian sheeple are in a coma! Those that are awake and teach the Christian sheeple the truth about the Days of Noah to prepare them, will survive better! Time is running out to awaken the Christian sheeple!
– - This coming Apostasy, Falling Away, will start from the top IMO. Ie. Those who are highly indoctrinated (taught incorrectly about Zionist ‘666’ Israel and about the true history/doctrine about the Nephilim-Giants during the Days of Noah.), staunch, Bible believing …. leaders of the Church will fall away first. The Christian sheeple will then be ripe for the slaughter.
2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, New King James Version (NKJV)
The Great Apostasy
1 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ[a] had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin[b]is revealed, the son of perdition,

From what I have witnessed over the last 12 months in our environment and the happenings in our Solar System all I can say is there is a presence …
After 2years of studying data from NASA’s Spaceweather program along with SDO and SOHO I can safely say we have company…
Our Star our Sun is for certain a gateway …the amount of data that is withheld and photoshopped has increased over the last 12 months…
Be it Spiritual or other our Maker is now here and watching over our World…
The number of sightings is increasing globally..
You can live in denial if you feel safe that way…
Myself I don’t see them as a threat ,I feel they are here for our development to continue and to protect us from the threat within…
I don’t know who is running this site, but…”Thank You!”
I “re-post” a lot of what you uncover here! NOT ALL as that would be ridiculous! lol
Reblogged this on just2bwise and commented:
At this moment of “re-posting” this…I have NOT seen the video. However, IF, you are a Christian OR simply believe in, God…then I would advise you to watch and/or read these articles. The “truth” about the Church’s of today is TRUE…they are NOT of God but, of “man!” ANY and ALL Church’s that belong to the world-wide association (run by the “Roman Catholic Church!”) is paying “homage” to them which, in turn, supports them. The leaders of ALL of these Church’s themselves have been “fooled” into following these Satanic rituals and doctrines. It is ONLY by “the Grace of God” and “Jesus Christ”, that there are still those of us who can “see” what God has put forth for us to SEE!
YES! There are troubling times ahead…”The GREAT TRIBULATION!” This IS the beginning.
NOW, to say that, does NOT mean that we will ALL PERISH! On the contrary, those that don’t believe are being “tested”, not by God but…by their “own” faith’s! These are the days when they will have to decide “who” they want to follow…God, OR, “the-ways-of-the-world?” WE ALL MUST ENDURE THE “TIME OF TRIBULATION!” There is no escape. The difference is in knowing that “…all these things must come to pass before I return…” (forgive me for not knowing the exact verse, I prefer that each individual looks it up for themselves as Jesus Christ instructed you to do) as I am only following the “teachings of Jesus Christ” and spreading the “Good News!”
Take Care and God Bless…(Marissa