Nigel Farage: Cyprus Rejection Sets Up A Crash In Markets!
- Nigel Farage – Cyprus Rejection Sets Up A Crash In Markets!
Today Nigel Farage told King World News the Cyprus government officials would vote out of fear to save their own lives and that’s exactly what happened. Farage, who is Britain’s popular MEP, told KWN that what just happened in Cyprus is much bigger than the Icelandic revolt, and that it has now set up a crash in markets. Here is what Farage had to say in this extraorindary interview: “Even my direst predictions about what the bureaucrats in Brussels would do to prop-up the failing eurozone crisis, even I didn’t predict they would resort to theft, and that is all you can call this. It is theft. It is the breach, of course, of their deposit guarantee they put in place in 2008.”
“And perhaps on a higher level it’s actually a breach of the basic principle of the rule of law, which is one of the governing functions of the whole of our Western civilization. So it is a truly astonishing thing that they (central planners) have done. Have they thought through the consequences of this? Because if you do it once (steal from bank depositors) in one eurozone country, what’s to stop you from doing it again in another eurozone country?….
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This is what the elite want and have planned… they know this move will cause people to drain accounts worldwide, which will lead to market collapse and war. It is part of the protocols of one world government. Next we will see armies in the east preparing to attack Israel, in defense of middle east oil countries, so vital to Asian economies. Then a general will rise in Japan and robot armies will be deployed in the entire earth. The mark of the beast (microchip implant) will follow, Bibles will be banned, and antichrist will reign for a time. The Lord is coming, look up!