Sibel Edmonds Explains Who’s At The Top Of The Pyramid of The New World Order!
- Continuing to connect the dots and follow the money, the trail leads to the 13 Satanic bloodlines! Who owns/controls the global monetary hegemony, large MNCs, global illegal drug trade, Big Pharma, Big Oil, MIC, Wall Street, all major governments …. ? It is the seed of the serpent! See Illuminati organization chart below!
– - The sheeple do not understand that the real war is: the 13 Satanic bloodlines and their minions vs the rest of humanity! Wars are really a method of mass culling the sheeple. Why the continuous fear mongering, war mongering, enemy making? It is to deceive 1 group of sheeple to kill another group of sheeple while the Satanic rulers remain in power! Never get involve military in any Illuminist generated wars! The sheeple are easily deceived useful idiots complicit in their own destruction!