Treasury Secretary Geithner Joins (Illuminati) Council on Foreign Relations as Corporate Media Continues Globalist Coverup!
- The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) together with the Bilderberg Group and Trilateral Commission, are geo-political arms of the western Illuminati. They are mainly tactical execution arms of the Illuminati. They report to the Committee of 300 –> 13 Satanic bloodlines –> Council of 13 …. demons, fallen angels –> Lucifer! The power and main decision making, strategic planning … lies in the religious Satanic priest class who take their instructions from fallen spiritual beings! The profane/secular (for eg. geo-political departments) reports to the religious class.
Treasury Secretary Geithner Joins Council on Foreign Relations as Corporate Media Continues Globalist Coverup!
by Alex Thomas,, via
“The CFR is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established.”
Former U.S. Treasury Secretary and one of the architects of the bailouts that gave hundreds of billions of dollars to the big banks (including foreign-owned banks) Timothy Geithner has rejoined the globalist Council on Foreign Relations.
In a move that should have been seen a mile away, the CFR has brought their puppet Geithner onboard as a “distinguished fellow,” which apparently happens after you have worked for the big banks and the idea of a world government long enough to distinguish yourself among the globalists that occupy this organization.
In a post on the councils official website, president and noted globalist Richard N. Haass let us all know how thrilled the CFR is to have Tim back on the team.
“We are thrilled to welcome Tim back to the Council on Foreign Relations,” said CFR President Richard N. Haass. “Both at Treasury and at the New York Federal Reserve, Tim was a tireless, creative, and responsible custodian of the public trust.
His coming to CFR only strengthens our capacity to produce thoughtful analysis of issues at the intersection of economic, political, and strategic developments.”
The post also made it clear that Geithner was very instrumental in the Obama Administration, overseeing the bailout and supposed reforms to the financial system. (which only made it easier for the biggest globalist controlled banks to reign rough-shot over the world)
As President Obama’s treasury secretary, Geithner played a central role in formulating U.S. domestic and international economic policy for the past four years.
He was a principal architect of the president’s strategy to avert economic collapse and to reform the financial system, while also tackling a broad set of international economic challenges. He served in this position from January 26, 2009 through January 25, 2013.
Clearly the Council on Foreign Relations has an extreme amount of power within the United States. (and through connected round table groups throughout the world)
A group this powerful must be covered by the mainstream media on a daily basis right? Sadly, this couldn’t be further from the truth, with the corporate controlled media worshiping the group and using psychological manipulation tactics to convince the American people that they are just a bunch of old guys with little to no real power.
MSNBC: “I Love the CFR”
A perfect example of the corporate medias CFR psyop occurred this morning during a segment on MSNBC’s Morning Joe when a guest from Politico revealed (a few hours before the CFR itself announced it) that Geithner was joining the group.
After being told the news, the hosts, including the daughter of globalist godfather Zibgniew Brzezinski, can be heard jumping with joy and then immediately attempting to downplay the CFR by making fun of those who have spoken out against the organizations stated goals which include the loss of US sovereignty in favor of a one world order.
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