OOPPS? Three Days Before Shooting “United Way Extends Condolences To Sandy Hook Families”!
- OOPPS? Three Days Before Shooting “United Way Extends Condolences To Sandy Hook Families”!
by http://21stcenturywire.com/
21st Century Wire says… As if it wasn’t enough to have reports of a second shooter by local Conn. news and police on the day of the event, this new wart just popped up on the face of the Sandy Hook event. What’s going on with this event? Judging by the reactionary gun debates, we believe that evidence shows there to be a genuine staged element in all this. But does America really care to investigate…? Waiting for the debunkers to tell us what this new one means…
Thomas Dishaw Govt Slaves
More twists to the Sandy Hook narrative. On December 11 Google indexed the United Way website that offered condolences to the family’s of Sandy Hook.
This is a full three days before the actual shooting that took place on December 14 2012. You can view the Google pagehere and the United Way page here.
Below is a excerpt from the December 11 United Way page. Don’t we all love a good conspiracy? You May Like: Another Sandy Hook Fundraiser Uncovered 4 Days Before The Shooting
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