Cancer Research Fraud Destroys Mainstream Medical Cancer Industry!
- Cancer Research Fraud Destroys Mainstream Medical Cancer Industry!
by Andre Evans,
It’s fairly evident that corruption pervades many facets of our society in this day and age, with profits driving major pharmaceutical companies and various political objectives. But just how far does this type of fraud reach? It seems that it extends as far as cancer research, with monetary incentives and smudged scientific results shaking the very foundation of cancer research. Recently, the Mayo Clinic determined that ten years worth of cancer research has been made useless due to such fraud.
The nature of the medical establishment today is unsettling, to say the least. Doctors of all kinds have been trained to prescribe double-edged medical “solutions” to their patients, draining the finances of patients through side-effect ridden pharmaceuticals and invasive surgeries. Mainstream medical science is increasingly being found to be fraudulent, but many still see doctors and medical officials as ‘experts’ that can do no wrong.
The Entire Multi-Billion Dollar Cancer Industry is Based on Fraudulent Cancer Research
Particularly in regards to cancer research, many wealthy and poor individuals alike offer generous donations to cancer research organizations, utterly confident that their actions are the most noble. These individuals think that they are funding the ‘cure’ for cancer, though they are simply funding a multi-billion dollar ‘cancer industry machine’ that will never truly end the disease — it is far too profitable. Even as they produce results in ‘scientific studies,’ it is extremely important to analyze these studies and what they are accomplishing.
Using the guise of ‘established’ medical science, these widely accepted studies are disseminated through medical journals and accepted as the ultimate authority by many. In the case of professor Sheng Wang of Boston University School of Medicine Cancer Research Center, his cancer research was found to be misconducted, fraudulent, and contain altered results. What is unsettling is the fact that his research had been previously accepted and used as a cornerstone from which to base all subsequent cancer research.
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