Turkey Looks Through US Eyes, Sacrifices Own Interests!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0dPYIfMW-4] Epidemiologist Confirms Serious Outbreak of Chicken Pox, 97 Percent Who Were Vaccinated! by Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease, Waking Times A county in the western part of Indiana is the site of the nation’s largest current chickenpox outbreak, according to news reports. An epidemiologist has confirmed that out of the cases analyzed, 97 percent of …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCOF2WmNHOk] CIA ‘tortured and sodomised’ terror suspect, human rights court rules! by Richard Norton-Taylor, The Guardian Landmark European court of human rights judgment says CIA tortured wrongly detained German citizen – CIA agents tortured a German citizen, sodomising, shackling, and beating him, as Macedonian state police looked on, the European court of human rights said …
False hope springs eternal in the eurozone! by Jeremy Warner, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ It’s remarkable that the single currency has survived – but the worst is far from over! – One thing you can say about the euro – it’s proving much more resilient than conventional economic analysis suggested it was ever likely to be. Those who …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB7xY42qG74] America and Israel Wage War on Humanity! by Stephen Lendman(Jew), http://sjlendman.blogspot.com/ America’s longstanding policy is permanent war. It’s the only nation ever to wage them ever year in its history abroad and/or at home. Multiple direct and proxy wars rage now. Obama plans more. He’s a war criminal multiple times over. – He violates …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k68DXCmJ7Jk] Mr. Benjamin Freedman, a Jewish industrialist born in New York, wrote in the Economic Council Letter published there of October 15 1947: “These Eastern European Jews have neither a racial nor a historic connection with Palestine. Their ancestors were not inhabitants of the Promised Land. They are the direct descendants of the people of …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONB8d3JB_dw] [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=563ZOB9w_dk]
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_D2uRA1pXc] Bill Murphy discusses: – (1) The latest gold raid. (2) He explains how the cartel is getting VERY DESPERATE. (3) He expects major moves coming soon in gold + silver. – Warning: I apologize for a bad mic (not sure what happened). The sound is a bit buzzy (must have been the gold cartel… …
I trust Jim Tucker’s work. No propaganda but truth! The Trilateral Commission (TC), like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Bilderberg Group; are Illuminist geopolitical arms in the western Illuminati organization (see chart below). They are mainly execution arms in the Illuminati hierarchy as opposed to planning/strategy arms. They report to the Committee of 300 … which …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1jUFNyZvHQ] In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert look at HSBC being fined rather than criminally charged in order to avoid destabilizing the system, while JP Morgan and others are being sued for about a trillion in bad mortgages investors were duped into buying. They also look at “1001” under which bankers who lied …
Keep in mind that the agenda is the Satanic World War 3! When Syria falls, the Greater Middle East war will likely start with Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit launching an attack on Iran! – The Libyan Islamc Fight Group Is Designated as a Terrorist Organization by the U.S., the UN, and the UK! …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXLZT4sOw-Q] Al Qaeda is a creation of western Illuminist intelligence agencies: CIA mainly! The organization, financing, training, planning, management, target selection, logistics supply …. are all done by these western Illuminist intelligence agencies: CIA, MI6..! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5B8pDeskts] “Al Qaeda is a creation of the US intelligence apparatus! It is extremely well documented ! Many of the …
All wars are based on deception! Sun Tzu, The Art of War! Truth is the first casualty of war! Remarks mine: Paris confirms presence of aircraft carrier in waters outside Syria! by http://presstv.com/ Paris has confirmed that the French aircraft carrier, Charles De Gaulle, has now stationed in the Mediterranean Sea, just outside Syria. – …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O364-esVswI] Terrorism And The Illuminati! A 3,000 Year History! by David Livingstone Contrary to myth being fabricated, Islam does not pose a threat to the West. Rather, Islamic “terrorist” organizations have been created to serve Western imperialistic objectives. These groups are intertwined with Western power through a network of occult secret societies. This relationship dates …
The idea that Syria will attack Turkey is nonsensical. Turkey has one of the strongest military in the region(with NATO nuclear weapons). It is suicidal and unwinnable. Why would Syria attack Turkey and give NATO an excuse to invade? Obviously, they won’t! So, why is US and NATO sending these forces to Turkey? It is …
It’s Time! by Lee Quaintance & Paul Brodsky, QB Asset Management, via www.gata.org Gold bugs can’t understand how the public can be so unaware, how highly intelligent policy makers can be so immoral, and how the mainstream media can be so incurious. We can’t understand why more men and women in the investment business haven’t …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4CBj_fQ678] YouTube: Teddy Katz, a Haifa University graduate student, interviewed over 100 people – Arabs and Jews – for his masters thesis about what happened at Tantura, one of the 553 coastal Palestinian villages destroyed in 1948 by the new Israeli state. According to the eyewitnesses and participants Katz interviewed, some 270-280 villagers were slaughtered …
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWDR7A9fZcw] Israel/Gaza: Israeli Airstrike on Home Unlawful! by http://www.hrw.org/home Deadliest Strike of Gaza Fighting Killed 12 (New York) – An Israeli airstrike that killed 12 civilians – the largest number of civilians killed in a single attack during the Gaza fighting in November – was a clear violation of the laws of war. – On …
Fed’s Balance Sheet To Hit A Shocking $6 Trillion! by www.kingworldnews.com On the heels of the FOMC meeting yesterday, today the man who announced QE4 before anyone else caught it, Michael Pento, has written exclusively for King World News to let readers know what the implications of the Fed’s actions going forward will be. Here …
Largest Capital In The World Now Entering Gold & Silver Space! by www.kingworldnews.com Today Rick Rule told King World News that the most massive and most intelligent pools of capital on the planet are now looking to crowd into the gold and silver space. This is huge news for a sector that has been in …
Buy Gold – Fed To Print Over $1,000,000,000,000 Per Year! by www.kingworldnews.com Today acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb spoke with King World News about the FOMC meeting and what is happening with gold and silver. Here is what Leeb had to say: “Eric, yesterday was Fed day and the Fed didn’t surprise too many people …