Harvey Organ: CFTC Can’t Release Findings of Silver Probe! End Game is Being Played Out, LBMA & COMEX Default Near!
- Harvey Organ: CFTC Can’t Release Findings of Silver Probe- End Game is Being Played Out, LBMA & COMEX Near Default!
by http://www.silverdoctors.com/
The Doc sat down with Harvey Organ again for the 3rd and final interview regarding the recent massive cartel intervention in the gold and silver markets post the QE4 announcement, the fiscal cliff, the CFTC’s silver probe, and the unprecedented 20 million oz of silver still standing for December delivery.
Harvey stated that the CFTC’s silver probe has concluded, but they can’t release the findings because it would collapse the entire financial system! Harvey also stated that China is ultimately the big gold & silver short, and stated that the nation is draining massive amounts of physical metal East.
Organ also made the shocking allegation that COMEX is settling allocated delivery & storage requests with paper metal, and stated that he no longer has any faith whatsoever in the numbers reported in the COMEX gold and silver inventories.
Harvey gave hope to PM investors who have endured years of cartel interventions in the gold & silver markets, stating that the end game is being played out, and that extreme physical shortages of silver could end the manipulation once and for all, possibly as soon as March!
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