John Embry: Catastrophic Loss Of Confidence To Spike Gold & Silver!

- Embry: Catastrophic Loss Of Confidence To Spike Gold & Silver!
Today John Embry told King World News that a coming catastrophic loss of confidence will push gold and silver to price levels that most investors can’t even fathom. He also spoke about what to expect in 2013. Here is what Embry, who is chief investment strategist at Sprott Asset Management, had to say: “I have been following the manipulation of the gold and silver markets for over 14 years now, and I can honestly say that I’m not sure I’ve seen a more blatant attempt to drive prices lower for no reason whatsoever.”
“There is no reason out there which could be used to explain why gold and silver prices would be under pressure. So I would love to know what the central planners are thinking here. I believe, and this might have been referred to in the interview you did with Gerald Celente, that this is all about confidence. When you are running a pure fiat currency system, confidence is the only thing you have to keep things together….
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