America and Israel Wage War on Humanity!
- America and Israel Wage War on Humanity!
by Stephen Lendman(Jew),
America’s longstanding policy is permanent war. It’s the only nation ever to wage them ever year in its history abroad and/or at home. Multiple direct and proxy wars rage now. Obama plans more. He’s a war criminal multiple times over.
He violates fundamental human and civil rights. He mocks rule of law principles and democratic values. He should be in prison, not high office. He serves wealth, power and privilege. He spurns peace, equity, justice, and basic human needs.
He and George Bush made America a police state. It’s a hair’s breadth from full-blown tyranny. He plans four more years of harsher than ever lawless governance.
Another day, another outrage. Headlines announced the latest. The New York Times said “US Will Grant Recognition to Syrian Rebels.” The Washington Post headlined “Obama administration formally recognizes Syrian opposition group.” The Wall Street Journal said “US Recognizes Syria’s Main Rebel Group.”
Other headlines said much the same thing. No provision in international, US statute, or constitutional law permits this. What reports omitted matters more than what they said.
Washington recognized an illegitimate opposition terrorist coalition as “the legitimate representative” of the Syrian people. It can’t be “legitimate” if it’s illegitimate.
Its members are death squad killers. They’re imported from other countries. They commit daily atrocities. They’re war criminals. Supporting them reveals America’s moral bankruptcy. Doing so adds more war crimes to Obama’s resume.
Human Rights Watch accused them of targeted killings, summary executions, kidnappings for ransom, torture, hostage taking, and other atrocities. They include beheadings, murdering bound prisoners, slaughtering women and children, and shooting infants while they sleep. Pro-Assad loyalists are targeted.
Der Spiegel reported “Homs burial brigade” atrocities. An insurgent “executioner” said he and comrades “kill in the name of the Syrian revolution. They leave torture (to) the so-called interrogation brigade….”
“They do the ugly work.” He believes in violence, he explained. He “cut the throats of four men.” He machine-gunned many more. Homs fighters commit “regular executions.” It continues daily throughout the country. Assad loyalists are targeted, brutalized and murdered.
Women and children aren’t spared. Der Spiegel’s “executioner” article explained. Independent journalists risk their lives on the ground to report similar accounts of ghastly crimes of war and against humanity.
Washington recruits, funds, arms, trains, directs these killers. Obama now recognizes them as Syria’s government.
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