NATO Set to Deploy Patriot Missiles on Turkish-Syrian Border, in Move Putting World on Brink of World War III !

- The western Illuminati is desperately trying to ignite the Syrian fuse to start their Satanic World War 3! Syria must fall before the attack on Iran by Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit.
NATO Set to Deploy Patriot Missiles on Turkish-Syrian Border, in Move Putting World on Brink of World War III !
According to a report that originated with Germany’s Sueddeutsche Zeitung (SDZ) Nov. 17, and has been publicized by Deutsche Press Agentur and (the privatized U.S. Army Stars and Stripes), Turkey will on Nov. 19 make a formal request to NATO to deploy Patriot PAC-3 anti-aircraft and missile units on the Turkish-Syrian border, with 170 German troops to operate them.
According to SDZ’s sources, NATO will grant the request. A German defense ministry spokesman said that within NATO only the U.S., Dutch, and German military forces have the PAC-3. But NATO, German, and Turkish officials would not confirm the SDZ report.
NATO spokeswoman Carmen Romero told DPA that there has not yet been a request by Turkey, but, “if there is a request, it will be considered by the allies.”
SDZ also said that the issue of the PAC-3 Patriot deployment had been discussed at a Paris meeting of the German, French, Polish, Italian, and Spain defense and foreign ministers on Nov. 15.
While still short of invoking Article 5 (mutual self-defense), such a NATO involvement implicitly to topple the Assad government would be a giant step toward World War III.
c’mon …. turkey can easily defend itself against unimportant syria !!!