Global Gold Production Is Poised To Fall Off A Cliff !
- Global Gold Production Is Poised To Fall Off A Cliff!
Today a legend in the business surprised King World News when he warned that “… global gold production is poised to fall off a cliff.” Keith Barron, who consults with major gold companies around the world and is responsible for one of the largest gold discoveries in the last quarter century, also spoke about the tragic events which are taking place in Europe.
Here is what Barron had to say: “It was just announced that the creditors for Greece had gotten together and decided they are not going to impose the severe austerity they had been talking about. The European Central Bank is aware that Greece has a shortfall between now and 2016 of 32 billion euros. They have no idea where Greece is going to find it.”
The ECB better not try to get it from Germany because Germany is going to balk. Last week the Greek Parliament adopted new austerity measures, and we saw lots of Molotov cocktails being tossed at the Parliament buildings by students, unemployed, and others who were protesting. This took place on the evening of the announcements. Greece is on the verge of a total breakdown….
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