Very Grave Danger About to Strike the Trans-Atlantic Regions: Hyperinflation!
- Hyperinflation Now Strikes!
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.,
The new, very grave danger about to strike the trans-Atlantic regions, now, since the U.S. Presidential campaign has now climaxed, is the immediate threat of hyper-inflation in both the U.S.A. and the Euro Zone of western and central Europe. For example, the prospect for both the Democratic and Republican U.S.A. parties, and for Europe under current policies, is a kind of austerity measures which, by their very nature, could have no different effect than the rocketing of an accelerating rate of hyper-inflation.
The crucial factor to be considered, on that account, at this moment, is the misguided tradition inherent in a gold-bug variety of monetarist’s typically delusory presumption, that the issue of inflation is definable in terms of hard money per se. For example: for the cases of North America and all of western and central Europe, under the conditions existing in the trans-Atlantic region at this time, obviously the northern trans-Atlantic sector, the danger of a general Weimar-style hyper-inflationary surge is the relatively most immediate threat, for reason of that region’s most significant global effects on the world at large.
At the point of the close of the recent U.S.A. national elections, this specific type of hyper-inflationary factor now being launched in both of the indicated trans-Atlantic sectors, remains the principal source tending toward a relatively immediate general breakdown-crisis.
There are, chiefly, three corrective measures needed for the exemplary case of the U.S. economy itself, but also the entirety of the northern trans-Altantic regions’ economies.
1.) Immediate, sweeping installation and application of the precise re-enactment of President Franklin Roosevelt’s Glass-Steagall measures.
2.) A physical-economic recovery program based on the establishment of a system of public credit.
3.) The initiation of long-term physical investment in basic physically productive economic infrastructure networks which promote high rates of increase of basic economic physical infrastructure, as this is typified by the example of a launching of the NAWAPA power-and-water program waiting to be launched inside the United States, Canada, and northern Mexico.
Such measures as the combination of those three will tend to have the most beneficial effects for mankind, per capita and per unit of spatial development.
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