IEA: U.S. to Overtake Saudi as Top Oil Producer!
- Is there a shortage of oil in the world? Obviously not! Oil is abiotic. It is being produce in the earth’s mantle/core area constantly. Big Oil is owned by the 13 Satanic bloodlines. The control of oil gives them control over the world. When the Satanic World War 3, Greater Middle East war starts, oil supplies from the Middle East will be destroyed or drastically curtailed. We will see the rise of a new Oil Power – the United States and also the coming Luciferian New World Order, World Government. Whichever country wants oil, will have to submit to this World Government centred around an America: destroyed, re-engineered, remade, enlarged … and finally merged into the Luciferian New World Order! This is the Mystery Babylon Whore sitting on the 10 Horn Beast!
IEA: U.S. to Overtake Saudi as Top Oil Producer!
by Peg Mackey | Reuters
LONDON (Reuters) – The United States will overtake Saudi Arabia and Russia as the world’s top oil producer by 2017, the West’s energy agency said on Monday, predicting Washington will come very close to achieving a previously unthinkable energy self-sufficiency.
The forecasts by the International Energy Agency (IEA), which advises large industrialized nations on energy policy, were in sharp contrast to previous IEA reports, which saw Saudi Arabia remaining the top producer until 2035.
“Energy developments in the United States are profound and their effect will be felt well beyond North America – and the energy sector,” the IEA said in its annual long-term report, giving one of the most optimistic forecasts for U.S. energy production growth to date.
“The recent rebound in U.S. oil and gas production, driven by upstream technologies that are unlocking light tight oil and shale gas resources, is spurring economic activity – with less expensive gas and electricity prices giving industry a competitive edge,” it added.
The IEA said it saw a continued fall in U.S. oil imports with North America becoming a net oil exporter by around 2030 and the United States becoming almost self-sufficient in energy by 2035.
“The United States, which currently imports around 20 percent of its total energy needs, becomes all but self-sufficient in net terms – a dramatic reversal of the trend seen in most other energy importing countries,” it said.
IEA Chief Economist Fatih Birol told a news conference in London he believed the United States would overtake Russia as the biggest gas producer by a significant margin by 2015. By 2017, it would become the world’s largest oil producer, he said.
The United States will rely more on natural gas than either oil or coal by 2035 as cheap domestic supply boosts demand among industry and power generators, the IEA said.
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