The IMF and World Bank Use Arab Uprisings to Expand Control Over Nations!

- The IMF and World Bank Use Arab Uprisings to Expand Control Over Nations!
by Susanne Posel, Occupy Corporatism
Many oil-producing nations such as Saudi Arabia, the US, the UK, Japan and Kuwait have pledged $165 million to fund an intitative of the World Bank that will allegedly prop up countries that have been affected by manufactured Arab Spring uprisings.
Along with the approval of the UN, International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the Islamic Development bank and the OPEC fund for International Development are supporting the partnership.
The IMF and the World Bank, at a meeting in Tokyo, focused talks on the Middle East and their economies of which recent Arab Springs have paved the way for globalist influence in the region. Kim Yong-Yim, newly appointed president of the World Bank remarked that these revolutions have allowed for the international community to refine their development of such areas.
In burgeoning nations, the World Bank and IMF have traditionally given loans to governments that would be impossible to repay. In exchange, the sovereignty of those nations is compromised as the World Bank demands repayment in natural resources. The succession of multi-national corporations in those countries is evidence of the swindle the IMF and World Bank preformed along with the International Financing Institution that forces a grave reduction of governmental spending with the initiation of austerity against the people of those nations.
The World Bank defines “civil society” as being transformed by what they refer to as perfect opportunities to stabilize the economy of a nation in terms of bringing them to the whims of the international community by way of unplayable loans within a volatile revolutionary setting.
At a meeting held in 2011, the World Bank postulated on how “international financial institutions [can] facilitated citizen empowerment” by way of manufactured uprisings. Through the use of civilian armies protesting against their government, the World Bank sees grand schemes whereby they can manipulate the developing situation and implement public policies that suit their agenda by coercion.
As the IMF and World Bank continue to move under cover of an ignorant populace, their hand in the destabilization of nations goes unnoticed. In the countries they control through economic terrorism, it is abundantly clear how much influence they wield.
As fake revolutions continue to plague the Middle East, their ardent cry for “democracy” imbues the UN and other globalist entities to aid with seemingly friendly support of the transitions taking place.
In 2011, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper asserted that international aid to post-revolutionary countries should be facilitated by the central banks in those countries and announced at a G8 summit that Canada would not be directly offering “financial assistance” to those countries implanted with Arab Springs.
It is believed by globalists that Arab Springs are the “only bastions against extremism in the Arab World.”
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