Iran’s President Ranges Far in Interview: Talks Israel, Slams Homosexuality …
- I am rather surprised by the somewhat fair treatment of Ahmadinejad by CNN. This is another sign that major shifts are underway to abandon Zionism! The current Middle East order will be destroyed and re-constituted. The Zionist ‘666’ state will be thrown under the bus with the Satanic World War 3!
– - Piers Morgan, once again, repeated the western MSM’s propaganda/lie that Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be ‘wiped off’ the map! He made no such statement ! It is western MSM war mongering psyop!
Iran’s president ranges far in interview: talks Israel, slams homosexuality!
New York (CNN) — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made clear what he meant when he said Israel should be “wiped off” the map and touched on everything from the Holocaust to homosexuality in a wide-ranging interview that aired Monday on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight.”
The president, speaking through a translator, also said what his country would do if attacked by Israel, and he slammed an anti-Islam film that has triggered protests in the Muslim world.
“If a group comes and occupies the United States of America, destroys homes while women and children are in those homes, incarcerate the youth of America, impose five different wars on many neighbors, and always threaten others, what would you do? What would you say? Would you help it? … Or would you help the people of the United States?” Ahmadinejad asked in response to whether Israel should be “wiped off” the face of the map, as he once said.
“So when we say ‘to be wiped,’ we say for occupation to be wiped off from this world. For war-seeking to (be) wiped off and eradicated, the killing of women and children to be eradicated. And we propose the way. We propose the path. The path is to recognize the right of the Palestinians to self-governance.”
When asked whether he believes in a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Ahmadinejad declined to comment.
“I cannot express an opinion. That is their prerogative,” Ahmadinejad said. “But the people of Palestine must be allowed by everyone, and helped by everyone, to allow them, to give them the right to choose for themselves.”
In New York this week to visit the United Nations, Ahmadinejad spoke at a meeting on the rule of law Monday and is scheduled to address the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met with the Iranian president over the weekend and warned him of the “potentially harmful consequences of inflammatory rhetoric,” according to a U.N. statement.
During his speech Monday, Ahmadinejad accused “some members of the Security Council with veto rights” of having “chosen silence with regard to the nuclear warheads of a fake regime, while at the same time they impede scientific progress of other nations.” Though he didn’t name the countries, he was clearly talking about the United States, Israel and his own country.
Some world powers, particularly Western nations, suspect that Iran is seeking to build nuclear weapons. Tehran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. When asked by CNN’s Morgan what Iran would do if Israel were to attack it, Ahmadinejad said, “Any nation has the right and will indeed defend herself.”
“But my question is this: Why should the world be managed in such a way that an individual can allow himself to threaten a rich and deeply rooted historical, ancient country such as Iran? A great country, such as Iran, based on an excuse of his own fabrication. … Another country can say, ‘I am guessing that country B is doing activity X, therefore I will attack that country’ … can this be … a successful formula for the management of the world?”
Again there, the president was likely referring to Iran’s disputed nuclear program. Asked whether he feared a war or military conflict with Israel was imminent, Ahmadinejad said: “The Zionists are very much, very adventuresome, very much seeking to fabricate things, and I think they see themselves at the end of the line and I do firmly believe that they seek to create new opportunities for themselves and their adventurous behaviors.”
Among other topics the president touched on in the interview taped in New York over the weekend were:
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