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Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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Nigel Farage – Europe Is Unraveling & Headed For Collapse! by Today MEP (Member European Parliament) Nigel Farage gave King World News an extraordinary interview. Farage told KWN, “As we speak we’re doing this interview live, the Spanish 10-Year bonds are trading back over 7% again. Nothing has been solved.” Farage also said, “But …
There seems to be no end to this computer ‘glitch’/’hacking’ event. It started affecting major western banks and now has spread to Russia. It prevents depositors/customers from getting their money out of banks. I am getting highly suspicious about the true cause and the people behind this ‘glitch’. It is a great excuse to shut down …
The War Between Manipulation and Buying! by Jim Sinclair, My Dear Extended Family, – Next week is the war between manipulation of gold by the West, and appetite for buying gold in the East, both from friendlies and enemies. Anyone that does not see today’s gold market as a rig is blind or brain …
Financial Webs Of Deceit. The World’s Financial Market Is Undergoing Total Collapse! by Steve Quayle, July 7, 2012 – It has begun the unofficial collapse of the Euro that I have announced back in late June has started to run into the massive canyon like fissures of the financial world. As web site after …
Moscow Warns West of ‘Big War’ in Syria! by Moscow lashed out on Thursday at the Western position on Syria, saying it could aggravate the situation to the point of war. “Their [Western] position is most likely to exacerbate the situation, lead to further violence and ultimately a very big war,” Russian Foreign Minister …
One more nail in the USD world reserve currency coffin! – Australia to push for direct yuan exchange! by Alicia Barry, Australia is hoping to become the third country in the world to be able to directly convert its currency into Chinese yuan. The Treasurer Wayne Swan will push the case at a currency …
Did the markets rally greatly? No it did not! The European stock markets are mainly down to flat! The stimuli are losing their effects. The bullion banksters once again hit gold and silver to prevent them from rising rapidly. The Illuminists know that should gold/silver rise precipitously, it is the end of their fiat currency games. All they …
Greyerz: We’re Dealing With Government Lies & Misinformation! by Today Egon von Greyerz gave King World News an extraordinary interview. He pointed out that investors today are facing an Orwellian type of propaganda as they are being bombard with massive misinformation from the mainstream media. Egon von Greyerz, who is founder and managing partner …
Smart Money Is Extremely Worried About What Lies Ahead! by With continued volatility in key markets, including currencies, today King World News interviewed acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb, Chairman & Chief Investment Officer of Leeb Capital Management, to get his take on what is happening. Leeb spoke with KWN about the level of fear …
[youtube=] Zionism is an Illuminist construct. Anti-Semitism is fomented chiefly by Zionist Jews. At the heart of the Zionist flag is the Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram, Star of David. Calling it the Star of David is a Illuminist psyop: using the name of the greatest king of Israel to hide Satanism. Zionist ‘666’ Israel is not the Israel of …
Prometheus isn’t as good as the previous Alien films. It does, however, flesh out the Ancient Alien theory that the Illuminists are selling. This is all in preparation for the coming strong delusion of 2 Thess 2:9-12. This is a ginormous SCAM: an UFO-Alien Invasion. The Good Aliens-Evil Aliens hoax. The Illuminists are selling the fear …
Rigged Rates, Rigged Markets! by Update: After this editorial went to press, Barclays announced that its chief executive, Robert Diamond Jr. had resigned, effective immediately, and that Marcus Agius, who had resigned as chairman of Barclays on Monday, would become chairman again and lead the search for a new chief executive. – Marcus Agius, …
[youtube=] The world is facing an Illuminist bankster coup. Fascism is rising across the western world. Democracy is under assault as Illuminist banksters appoint themselves leaders in Greece and Italy. What we are witnessing is the endtimes endgame: the Rise of the Mystery Babylon Whore and the 10 Horn Beast. The Illuminist’s plan is to destroy America, re-engineer, re-make, enlarge …
Hyperinflation warning! More easing and QE means currency debasement. It is not going to pull the western economies out of depression. The world is overburdened by an insurmountable mountain of debt. The idea that we should stimulate more lending is stupid. The system must be allowed to correct itself by paying off its debts and …