Stephen Leeb: The Naked Shorts Will Be Destroyed In The Gold Market !
- The Naked Shorts Will Be Destroyed In The Gold Market!
Today Stephen Leeb told King World News that the gold market now boils down to a “war between establishment and the non-establishment.” Leeb, who is Chairman of Leeb Capital Management, also said, “When the banks finally get scared that they are short too much gold, you will see a major explosion in price.”
The acclaimed money manager also stated, “The banks continue to charge the customers for holding their gold as ‘allocated,’ even though the gold has gone out the door to aid in the gold price suppression scheme. This is fraud, plain and simple, but this fraud is being encouraged by the establishment.”
Here is what Leeb had to say about the war in gold, who the players are, and how it will end: “I’ve been reading through your past interviews, Eric, and it’s becoming more and more apparent to me that the gold market is really at the center of what is the major divide in this world, and that’s the establishment vs non-establishment.”
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