Mainstream Journalists Confirm Israel is Behind Assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientists in New Book!
- “Mr. Benjamin Freedman, a Jewish industrialist born in New York, wrote in the Economic Council Letter published there of October 15 1947: “These Eastern European Jews have neither a racial nor a historic connection with Palestine. Their ancestors were not inhabitants of the Promised Land. They are the direct descendants of the people of the Khazar Kingdom. The Khazars were a non-Semitic, Turko-Mongolian tribe.” Mr. Freedman was challenged, unwisely, by a Zionist objector; he invited his challenger to go with him to the Jewish room of the New York Public Library. There they could together examine the Jewish Encyclopedia volume I pp. 1-12, and the published works of Graetz, Dubnow, Friedlander, Raisin and many other noted Jewish historians, which, as well as other non-Jewish authorities, “establish the fact beyond all possible doubt”.’
~ Somewhere South of Suez (1950) pp349-350.”
Mainstream journalists confirm Israel is behind assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists in new book !
By Madison Ruppert,
The fact that Israel is in one way or another involved with the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists is hardly debatable now that U.S. officials have confirmed it, Israeli leaders have hinted at it, Israeli leaders have openly supported it and even relatively well known Americans have openly supported terrorism targeting the imaginary Iranian nuclear program.
In a new book released today, June 9, 2012, called Spies Against Armageddon: Inside Israel’s Secret Wars, by CBS News correspondent Dan Raviv and Haaretz reporter Yossi Melman, a somewhat different version was laid out which contradicts the anonymous statements of U.S. officials mentioned above. According to Raviv and Melman, the operations were not carried out by Mossad-trained MEK terrorists as was previously asserted.
Instead, they claim that the operations are far too sensitive and thus are restricted solely to Israeli operatives. “They [the Israelis] don’t farm out a mission that is that sensitive,” Raviv said. Raviv alleges that these operations are so sensitive that they actually require the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, to personally sign off on them.
“They might use dissidents for assistance or logistics but not the hit itself. The methodology and training and use of motorcycles is all out of the Mossad playbook. They wouldn’t trust anybody else to do it,” he added in an interview with Fox News.
When studying the attacks on various Iranian individuals, it quickly becomes apparent that the use of motorcycles crop up in almost every instance. Raviv said that the skilled use of motorcycles is considered their hallmark and that Mossad agents “excel at accurate shooting at any speed and staying steady to shoot and to place exquisitely shaped sticky bombs.”
In the book Raviv and Melman also state that the cyberwarfare campaign (which one must assume includes the wide range of attacks including Stuxnet, the malware known as Duqu which apparently was a derivative of Stuxnet and the recently discovered, incredibly complex and powerful Flame) against the Iranian nuclear program was not, in fact, an American invention as some have claimed, but instead hat it was a purely Israeli innovation.
They allege that the program was created by the Israeli military intelligence agency AMAN and the Israeli equivalent of the U.S.’s National Security Agency (NSA) called Unit 8200. The authors say that the program was then endorsed by the White House at Israel’s request.
According to Melman, the Israeli covert warfare program in Iran has been successful in disrupting the Iranian nuclear program. He states that Israel believes that they are encouraging people from avoiding the field of nuclear science by taking out the key Iranian scholars in the field.
However, Iranian officials claim that the Israeli killing of Iranian scientists only serves to encourage more students to pursue the field. According to a report from January of this year, the Iranian Minister of Science Research and Technology, Kamran Daneshjo, over one thousand students changed their majors in order to study nuclear physics and engineering after one of the country’s top scientists was killed.
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