Egon Von Greyerz: $100 Trillion+ To be Printed, Expect Capital Controls!

- Greyerz – $100 Trillion+ to be Printed, Expect Capital Controls!
Today Egon von Greyerz told King World News, “The tens of trillions of dollars that needs to be printed is without derivatives. With derivatives we are talking about hundred of trillions of dollars that may need to be printed.” Egon von Greyerz is founder and managing partner at Matterhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland. Von Greyerz also said, “We will have exchange controls in virtually every country. I can see this coming to the US in the next year or two.” But first, here is what Greyerz had to say about what is happening in Europe: “The bail out for Spain’s Bankia is now up to $25 billion in refinancing requirements, but that’s just the beginning. We’re looking at country after country here where the dominos are falling. The refinancing requirements worldwide are getting astronomical, and they will escalate at a faster rate.”
“I’ve said to you that I expect the requirements to be in the tens of trillions of dollars, and that’s just for governments. If you add to that corporate debt, private debt, mortgage debt, you are talking about sums that are hard to imagine. S&P estimated that over the next few years, corporate debt refinancing will be roughly $30 trillion. That’s just corporate refinancing. If you add in the mortgage markets, the number is extremely high, and that will need to be printed by someone because the money isn’t there. No one has the money….
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