Lindsey Williams & Stan Monteith: Global Financial & Economic Collapse Soon ie. 2012! But Not In April, May or June!
- Issues discussed:
– The Illuminists are setting up the global financial collapse soon. But it will not happen in April, May or June this year. (Aug – Oct 2012??)
– The US dollar will be dead by the end of 2012!
– Saudi Arabia is building the biggest oil refinery with China. Saudi Arabia is abandoning the USD in the oil trade with China.
– Japan and China have signed a currency swap agreement to bypass the USD for trade settlement between the 2 countries.
– Prepare for US$6-7/gallon gas.
– The Illuminists are still creating a massive amount of debts to enslave the sheeple.
– The sheeple will be so poor that they will not be able to resist the New World Order and they will accept the One World Currency.
– Ignore the stock market as it is being manipulated to give the illusion that things are ok.
– Don’t be too concerned with Greece, Spain, Italy .. ie. Eurozone sovereign debt crisis. They will fall but they are not indicators of when the Illuminist will pull the plug and trigger meltdown.
– The world financial meltdown will be triggered by the collapse of the financial derivatives market. This is the thing to watch.
– Get out of all paper assets. They will be worthless once the collapse is triggered. Buy physical gold/silver.
– Obama may not be re-elected as the Illuminati is pissed off with him for not signing the Keystone pipeline bill. However, it appears Obama may be compromising and giving way to the Illuminist by allowing the southern portion of the pipeline to be built.
– The Illuminists control all the MSM.
… and many more issues..