Dr. Tom Horn: Nephilim Stargates 2012 & The Return of The Watchers – UFO, Aliens And The Coming EndTimes Strong Delusion!
- Nephilim Stargates: The Year 2012 and the Return of the Watchers!
Something alarming has been happening since the dawn of time, which has been recorded in the history, holy books, and mythos of every great civilization. Ancient rabbinical authorities including Septuagint translators and early church fathers understood it. Sumerians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Greeks, the Hindus, the American Indians, and virtually all other civilizations wrote about it. Beings of super intelligence sometimes referred to as “gods” descend through openings of sky, earth, and sea to interact with this planet’s creatures. According to Tom Horn, prophecy says they will return… and at a time much sooner than most people realize.
“H.G Wells wrote in War of the Worlds, ‘..that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man’s..’. Tom Horn’s brilliant research capabilities illustrate how through history, we as humans, have been not only watched but sometimes manipulated and used for a far more nefarious purpose… travel with Tom through the gateways, portals and dimensional openings of earth history and prepare to be enthralled!”
~ Daniel Ott, Host, The Edge Broadcast
“Dr. Horn has convinced me of a frightening, supernatural reality that I never anticipated. ‘Nephilim Stargates’ is excellently researched and thoroughly fascinating. I read it from cover to cover in one night… Those that do the same should probably switch on as many lights in their house as possible and not be alone at the time.” David Flynn, author of Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars
“Horn has inside knowledge of a demonic cabal that may be controlling some of the worlds leading governments. In addition, Horn believes that the fallen angels who sired the Nephilim may be the unseen puppetmasters. Chilling!” L. A. Marzulli, Author of Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural
… for more click here!
– - 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 (New King James Version)
9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
– - I am not in agreement with Lindsey Williams about his view on the ‘divine manifestation’. He thinks it is something the God of the Bible will reveal. I doubt it. When Illuminists say ‘divine’ – they mean Lucifer/Satan. 2012 and 21 Dec 2012 are all about occult year/date. There is nothing in the Bible about 21 Dec 2012. The occult view is: the Return of the God/Gods ie. fallen angels, Titans (200 fallen angels)! The occult world seems to be pointing to something coming to earth on the Mayan calendar date of 21 Dec 2012.
The Aztec religion predicts that a serpent will come from heaven and appear on earth on 21 December 2012. According to an Aztec legend, human beings can ascend into Heaven when the serpent descends. …. On this day the Aztec religious calendar prophesies that a great serpent will come to earth; thus, Satan’s fall coincides with the end of the Aztec calendar as well as the Chinese calendar.
2012: The Return of the Nine
… The Mayan prophecy to do with 2012 was that it would signal the return of “The Nine”. … “At the next creation, the Bolon Yokte Ku, or Nine Support Gods, will return.” However, the actual word “return”, sometimes translated as “descent” …. Who are the Bolon Yokte Ku – The Nine? They have variously been translated as the God of Nine Strides, the Nine-Footed God, Jaguar-Foot-Tree and Nine-Dog-Tree. They were seen as living in the Underworld and were generally described as god(s) of conflict, warfare, and are hence linked with dangerous transition times, social unrest, eclipses, and natural disasters like earthquakes. … The question nevertheless remains as to who these Nine Gods truly are. Indeed, “Nine Gods” are not just an ingredient of the Mayan culture. There were also Nine Gods in the ancient Egyptian religion, as well as many others (e.g. India). To the Egyptians, they were also known as the Nine Principles and they were directly linked with their Creator Deity, Atum.
The mayans did not predict the end of world, but the return of one of their god’s
The predictions of the Mayans to December 2012 do not refer to the end of the world, but the return of the god Bolon Yokte would return at the end of an era and the beginning of another … it is mentioned that on December 21 “would be invested deity Bolon Yokote,” bound to create a god and war, who attended the beginning of the current era … The text of the narrative character, … shows that the Maya rulers should “prepare the ground for the return of the god Bolon Yokte … According to this prognosis, the god Bolon Yokte preside over the birth of a new era to begin in December 21, 2012, and oversee the end of the current era.