UK Treasury Plans for Euro Failure!
- All the signs are there for a global monetary collapse. Fiat currencies are backed by nothing and are a CONfidence Job! The bullion banksters are hitting gold/silver hard to prevent a flight to real money. They want the world to move from Euro, UKP, JPY …. and finally to USD as one fiat currencies after another detonates. Of course, the endgame is an implosion of the USD.
– - The sheeple do not understand this, they are being herded to the USD to be slaughtered. When the endgame of the USD is reached, the plug will be pulled, the USD will collapse and gold/silver will rise astronomically! Of course, the Illuminists have gathered all the physical gold necessary for their One World Currency backed by gold. Do not be concerned with the day-to-day fluctuation of gold/silver prices. Let me reassure you with this: Remember the Golden Rule! He who has the gold makes the rules!
Treasury plans for euro failure!
By Philip Aldrick,
The Government is considering plans to restrict the flow of money in and out of Britain to protect the economy in the event of a full-blown euro break-up.
The Treasury is working on contingency plans for the disintegration of the single currency that include capital controls. The preparations are being made only for a worst-case scenario and would run alongside similar limited capital controls across Europe, imposed to reduce the economic fall-out of a break-up and to ease the transition to new currencies.
Officials fear that if one member state left the euro, investors in both that country and other vulnerable eurozone nations would transfer their funds to safe havens abroad. Capital flight from weak euro nations to countries such as the UK would drive up sterling, dealing a devastating blow to the Government’s plans to rebalance the economy towards exports.
Earlier this year, Switzerland was forced to peg its currency to the euro to protect the economy after a massive appreciation in the Swiss franc due to spiralling fears over Europe.
The plans emerged as Spain’s new finance minister Luis de Guindos warned the country’s economy was set for negative growth in the last quarter.
Speaking yesterday he warned the next two months “are not going to be easy”. Britain’s response to the possible break up of the euro would reflect measures taken by Argentina when it dropped the dollar peg in 2002, according to sources.
In addition to the risk of an appreciating currency, dealing with potential UK corporate exposures to the euro poses a considerable challenge for the Treasury. Britain’s top four banks have about £170bn of exposure to the troubled periphery of Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain through loans to companies, households, rival banks and holdings of sovereign debt. For Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland, the loans equate to more than their entire equity capital buffer.
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