Indefinite Detention Act Voids US Constitution!
- Yesterday the US Congress voted to pass the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012. The 86 to 13 vote will allow the indefinite detention and torture of American citizens at home and abroad without a trial. The NDAA gives more power to the military and government and President Obama at one point said would veto the bill but he has changed his mind. Jason Leopold, deputy managing editor for TruthOut.Org, joins us to discuss this Act.
– - Jason Leopold is a little naive! Fascism is rising in America. Illuminist snakes are using 1930s Nazi Germany as a template for ‘Nazifying’ America. America is being transformed into a militarized-police state and will be the protagonist in the coming Satanic World War 3. America will be destroyed, re-engineered, enlarged … and merged into the coming Luciferian World Government – The Mystery Babylon Whore of Revelation 17. This is the plan!
Every representative that voted for this atrocity is guilty of desecrating their oath to obey and protect the Constitution and are thus guilty of treason!
It is way past time to get rid of them. Impeachment is ok, but where are your grand juries? Your elected can be subpoenaed and criminal acts determined for prosecution in their local Federal grand juries in the states they represent. Are their no constitutional lawyers to get this rolling?