Obama Works For Goldman Sachs And Wall Street !
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it.” – Lenin
- How do you tell when snakes lie? Whenever they move their lips! The Illuminist bankster snakes are trying to steer the current Occupy Wall Street protests into attacking Wall Street and away from the snake head: the FedRes. In this coming phase: the Illuminists will sacrifice many of their banks but want to preserve their global monetary hegemony via control of Illuminist central banking cartel.
– - It will be a full takeover of governments by central banks while putting the blame (as a diversion) on some of the Wall Street banks. The fact of the matter is: when you own the central bank, you can create trillions of dollars for yourself. Losing a few Wall Street banks is no big deal, to deceive the sheeple and let them release some steam/anger! It is all about deception and mis-direction!
– - Transcript excerpts. (emphasis mine)
Ratigan Schools Barack-Loving Progressive: “Obama Works For Goldman Sachs & Wall Street, Get Over Your Nonsense That Democrats Are Any Better Than Republicans!”
Video – Dylan Ratigan Deals In Political Truth – Sep. 20, 2011
DYLAN: “The biggest contributor to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign is Goldman Sachs. The primary activities of this president relative to banking have been to protect the most lucrative aspect of that business, which is the dark market for credit default swaps and the like. That has been the explicit agenda of his Treasury Secretary. This president is advocating trade agreements that allow enhanced bank secrecy in Panama, enhanced murdering of union members in Colombia, and the refunding of North Korean slaves.”
DYLAN: “This president and Republicans are both in favor of those trade agreements. And this president renewed the Bush tax cuts for millionaires. Those are actions. Those are not words. This guy’s a great talker. Everybody loves to talk. This is a man who has taken action. Barack Obama has taken action. He has kept the swaps markets dark, no capital requirements for the—“
GUEST: “Let me react. I’m a progressive. …. “
DYLAN: “But I guess where I take issue is, this president is working for the bad guys. The Democrats are working for the bad guys. So are the Republicans. The Democrats get away with it by saying, ‘Look at how crazy the Republicans are; at the Democrats pretend to care about people.’ BUT THE FACT IS THE 2-PARTY POLITICAL SYSTEM IS UTTERLY BOGUS.”
– - Obama attacks banks while raking in Wall Street dough
By John Rossomando, http://dailycaller.com/
Despite his rhetorical attacks on Wall Street, a study by the Sunlight Foundation’s Influence Project shows that President Barack Obama has received more money from Wall Street than any other politician over the past 20 years, including former President George W. Bush.
In 2008, Wall Street’s largesse accounted for 20 percent of Obama’s total take, according to Reuters. When asked by The Daily Caller to comment about President Obama’s credibility when it comes to criticizing Wall Street, the White House declined to reply.
Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer says the distance between the president’s rhetoric and actions makes him look hypocritical. “It’s almost as if President Obama won’t cross across a Wall Street picket line except to get inside with [his] hand out, so he can raise money,” Fleischer told TheDC, referring to the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators who the president has been encouraging over the past week. “That sort of support causes him to look hypocritical.”
Fleischer continued by saying that President Obama and Democrats, such as New York Sen. Charles Schumer, who has received approximately $8.7 million from Wall Street since 1989, should stop taking campaign donations from Wall Street banks if they are so offended by their actions.
“They can’t say we hate Wall Street, but we love their money,” Fleischer said. (RELATED: White House: Millionaire tax isn’t enough)
Being Wall Street’s campaign cash king is hardly the image President Obama has been trying to project in public, where he has been setting himself up as the champion of the progressive Occupy Wall Street movement and as the avenger of jilted Bank of America customers.
“Banks can make money,” Obama said last week, responding to questions during an interview with ABC News about Bank of America’s decision to levy a $5 monthly fee on debit card users. “They can succeed, the old-fashioned way, by earning it.”
In fact, the Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan watchdog group that tracks lobbyist spending and influence in both parties, found that President Obama has received more money from Bank of America than any other candidate dating back to 1991.
…. for the full article click here!