Roger Nightingale: Euro is Dead, Bury It ! Don’t Even Try To Revive It !
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Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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All the warning signs are there for a catastrophic global collapse. Are you prepared? The stock markets are tanking despite the German government approval of the EFSF bailout fund. It makes no difference. The EFSF is too little too late. The amount needed is probably in the order of US$5-7 T according to Bob Chapman. Got …
[googlevideo=] If the embedded video does not work properly click link here or here! See also: – Bill Schnoebelen: Nephilim End Time Attack On Humanity! Bill Schnoebelen: Exposing the Illuminati from Within Svali: The Illuminati Defector Who Turned To Christ ! John Todd (1970s): Ex Council of 13 Illuminati Member Reveals How the Illuminists Work. Trilateral …
[youtube=] YouTube: Tonight’s Friday, September 30 edition of the Infowars Nightly News features an in-depth special report AIRING AT 7PM CENTRAL on the turning tide of water fluoridation across the Western world, with nearly 250 cities across the United States opting out of the mass-medication scheme once touted as one of the 10 greatest health …
Gold and silver bugs sit tight ! Do not be afraid. This takedown by the Illuminist bullion banksters will reverse itself and go much higher. The bullion banks are rapidly reducing their short positions because they know what is coming! They are scared shit and getting out as fast as they can. The best analogy is that …
The Global War on Terror is an Illuminist hoax! It is used as a pretext to invade and conquer the world via wars of aggression. Young American soldiers are simply cannon fodder to achieve this coming Luciferian New World Order! – The Satanic method is always deception! – Revelation 12:9 So the great dragon was cast …
[youtube=] “Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” ― Thomas Jefferson – The Global War on Terrorism is a fraud ! It is a SCAM by the Illuminist shadow government. The real targets are the American sheeple. By using the terrorism meme, the sheeple are frightened into surrendering their rights and …
The austerity program is not working and will not work. Unemployment is rising and tax revenues are falling. This is the worse time to apply austerity, it is making things worse! – Greece to miss deficit targets for 2011-2012 by Demetris Nellas, Associated Press Greece to miss deficit target for 2011-2012; deficit to reach 8.5 …
If the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis was an entirely ‘accidental’ event caused by well meaning but inept politicians, I would agree that the problems have more than an even chance of a happy resolution. What we have are the Illuminist money power and vulture funds lining up to attack the Eurozone once a Greek default …
[youtube=] Part 1: The definitive look into the history of vaccination. From cancer, to autism, to the purposeful sterilization of innocent people around the globe, find out why all of these things are perfectly legal according to U.S. CODE – why the government considers you no different than cattle in their own law. end