Israeli Spies Caught Celebrating 9/11 !
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Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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[youtube=] See also: – Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Ex-Director of Studies At The US Army War College: The US Military Knows MOSSAD and Traitorous Elements in US Government did 9/11 ! Alan Sabrosky, US Marine Corps Veteran: Israeli Mossad Planned The 9/11 Attack! – YouTube: Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Studies at the U.S. Army …
This is just more political theatre. The Illuminist plan is to collapse the Eurozone and then the rest of the world ! A great deal more volatility is coming. The financial tsunami waves will get larger and larger until the entire system collapses! Gold and silver are pretty cheap now. They are your insurance against …
[youtube=] [youtube=] See also: – John Perkins: Libya – It’s Not About Oil, It’s About Currency and Loans! ‘Global Economic Crisis’ Exposes Plans For a Global Military Dictatorship! Confessions of an Economic Hit Man – John Perkins John Perkins: The Secret History of the American Empire John Perkins: The CIA & Chiquita Inc Engineered Coup …
[youtube=] YouTube: This week Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert discuss “Operation Twist”, “BMW Town” and other pyramid schemes. In the second half of the show, Max talks to in-studio guest Joe Weisenthal of Business Insider about Operation Twist, monetary policy and Groupon. end
[youtube=] Modern Judaism is not the religion of the Bible! See here! Modern Ashkenazi Jews are not the Jews of the Bible! God’s covenant was with Abraham and his biological descendents. Ashkenazi Jews are not semitic and their ancestors were never in Palestine. They are not the descendents of Abraham/Isaac/Israel. They have no right to …
THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION (Satanic) PROTOCOL No. 10 1. … I beg you to bear in mind that governments and people are content in the political with outside appearances. …. ….. OUR GOAL – WORLD POWER 3. We count upon attracting all nations to the task of erecting the new fundamental …
The MSM tells us that things are better! Really? Banks are stronger! Really? I don’t think so. The situation has become orders of magnitude worse. More debts have been piled upon existing debts. The banks which caused all the problems have gotten bigger and are still engaging in their financial casino, derivatives games! – It’s …
The Illluminist money power is working very hard to break the resistance of the German people to the loss of national sovereignty and surrender to the EU central government. It will not be easy and they know it. The plan will not work. The Eurozone will collapse and the Euro is toast! (emphasis mine) – …
The Eurozone sovereign debt crisis is about to get alot worse! All that is happening is for the consolidation of power by the Illuminists. They engineer this crisis to destroy national sovereignties in favour of a fascist central EU government! – Gold and silver look really cheap. Make sure you put your savings in physical precious …
[youtube=] David Icke begins at 1.55. end
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[youtube=] Bob Chapman – The Financial Survival – 26 September 2011 : the correction in Gold and Silver market already happened at these levels , this is a great opportunity to buy more physical gold and silver , if it is a bottom that’s great if it is close that’s OK and I am going …
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[youtube=] ‘In less than 12 months, the savings of millions of people is going to vanish! And this is just the Beginning!’ This trader is telling the truth. He knows what is going on. He knows that this is an engineered crisis by the Illuminist money power. He said it as much: ‘Goldman Sachs rules …
[youtube=] Modern Judaism is not the religion of the Bible! See here! Modern Ashkenazi Jews are not the Jews of the Bible! God’s covenant was with Abraham and his biological descendents. Ashkenazi Jews are not semitic and their ancestors were never in Palestine. They are not the descendents of Abraham/Isaac/Israel. They have no right to …
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This coming collapse will start in the PIIGS, spread to the rest of Eurozone, UK, Japan … and finally America. The rest of the world will tank as the tsunami waves of financial collapse reach them. All fiat currencies are scheduled for destruction via hyperinflation. The Illuminist plan to ‘solve’ the financial tsunami is QE to …
Behind the scenes, Eurozone governments are preparing for a Greek default ! I do not believe that it can be contained because the Illuminists will intentionally attack the Eurozone and bring down the system. Are you prepared for the coming global economic, financial and monetary meltdown? Got physical gold/silver yet? They are looking awfully cheap and deeply …
[youtube=] The IMF, World Bank, FedRes, ECB, BIS …. and most central banks are privately owned Illuminist organizations. The Illuminists are the cause of the current crisis. They are engineering a worldwide economic, financial and monetary collapse to lay the foundation for their coming Luciferian New World Order, Global Fascist Military-Police State, Global Supra-National Central Bank, One …
“It was a carefully contrived occurrence. International bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair, so that they might emerge the rulers of us all.“ Louis McFadden on 1929 Stock Market Crash. Louis McFadden died of poisoning shortly thereafter. – Whatever CFR snake Tim Geithner comes up with I seriously doubt it will avert the …