Bilderberg 2011 Agenda: Global Economic Collapse, World War… Leading To New World Order, New Financial-Monetary System!
- I have warned repeatedly about the plans of the Illuminist snakes. They want to lay the foundation for the coming of their ‘messiah’, the Anti-Christ, the bringer of false peace! To achieve this goal, their plans are as follows:
1. Global economic, financial and monetary collapse (starting autumn 2011?)
2. Global chaos, famine, social unrest …. as a result of the meltdown of the current financial, monetary order.
3. Increasing use of HAARP to destabilize the weather and trigger earthquakes.
4. False flag (nuclear?) attacks to be triggered (1H2012) in America and western Europe. This will be blamed on the Muslim world. It is really the work of the western Illuminati intelligence agencies.
5. Arab Spring will lead to the ascendency of the Muslim Brotherhood (Masonic Brotherhood really). The western Illuminati will transfer power and build up the Muslim Brotherhood. This is their age-old tactic of building up 2 opposing forces: Muslim World vs Zionist World and setting them into conflict.
6. Triggering of Greater Middle East War (2H2012) Zionist World vs Muslim World. Both will annihilate each other. Zionist ‘666’ Israel will be destroyed in the process as a direct assault against Christians. Most western Christians (40M in America) will have serious doubts when they see Zionist ‘666’ Israel destroyed. It does not fit into what they have been taught. Zionist ‘666’ Israel is a Satanic counterfeit. Unfortunately, Christians have been brainwashed by Illuminist ‘Christian’ preachers into thinking it is the real deal.
7. Starting of war between the Anglo-American empire and its allies and China and its allies. Both China and India are targeted for depopulation via bio-engineered race specific weapons. The entire world will be engulfed in wars! No one will doubt that WW3 has started. I am however, unsure when this war will start. (2013?)
8. Massive UFO-Aliens hoax at the closing stages of WW3. This is to prepare for the coming of ‘the one who is to come’: the Anti-Christ! This is the strong delusion. The Return of the Nephilm-Alien ‘gods’ of old.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 (New King James Version)
9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Daniel 2:42-43, New King James Version (NKJV)
42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.
43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.
– - Note the Nephilim will mingle with the seed of men. This will be the makeup of the endtimes 4th world empire. (emphasis mine)
– - Bilderberg 2011 Agenda, St. Moritz, Switzerland June 9-12
by Alpha-Omega Report:
The agenda for the Bilderberg 2011 Conference included a variety of topics.
According to leaks from at least one attendee, the topic of primary concern involves the “Arab Spring” revolts and efforts to widen the revolt into a regional war to produce regime-change and trigger a wider, world war. Part of the plan was for NATO to engage Libya’s dictator in a military conflict that would trigger a regional war. To accomplish this, U.S. participation is required, but the U.S. Congress is upset that Obama has violated the Constitution and War Power’s Act by not garnering Congressional approval before committing U.S. forces to military action. A new move is underway in Congress to now halt U.S. participation in the Libyan conflict. This move triggered great concern and dismay within the Bilderberg Conference this year as it could put a halt to springing a wider Mideast war.
The Bilderberg group’s justification for war is based on the growing overpopulation of the world with limited resources to support such expanding population. Wars reduce the population levels and a great world war could massively de-populate Earth and bring human population levels within manageable limits to match natural resources. On this matter, the Bilderberg attendees were united in agreement for the need of war. The topic dominated the entire first day of the conference and was a backdrop for other issues discussed during the next two days of meetings.
The second most discussed issue involved was growing publicity about the group and its plans for global government and the growing public opposition to not only global government but opposition to Bilderberg and its annual meetings. In conference discussions, there was a consensus that the unregulated internet is the primary factor enabling opposition to grow and possibly bring a halt to Bilderberg and its plans and goals for global government. Conferees discussed new, legal measures being undertaken to regulate, control and eliminate internet websites and emailing messages. In other words, new laws and regulations are being developed to legally censor internet content and make opposition to global government a criminal offense. Look for censorship efforts to step up and take hold in the next six to twelve months.
The third most important topic for discussion involved efforts to restructure the world’s economy by crashing the system in a new crisis that will end with a collapse of the current system, to be replaced by a new global system, with an electronic currency and an all-powerful central banking system. Plans will include a new electronic currency utilizing micro-chip implants to be placed in the hands or wrists of citizens of the world. Such plans are already in place in the USA, thanks to the new Obama Health Care law which mandates micro-chip implants for all Americans by March of 2013. The Obama plan argues that the micro-chip must hold all medical records and personal identification of the person being implanted. Similar measures are reportedly underway in Europe.
In bringing down the world’s economy, the globalists publicly wring their hands and engage in futile steps to shore up the Euro currency and stave off national bankruptcies in Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland, but behind the scenes, this is exactly what the Illuminists desire because everything must collapse to make way for a New World Order and a global dictator. This aspect is little understood among the Bilderberg critics and reporters covering Bilderberg.
As part of the take-down of the world’s economy, a new IMF chieftain must be appointed in the wake of the arrest of the IMF chief in New York City last month. The Bilderberg conferees shared opinions back and forth on who should be selected to take over as the IMF leader and be a key player in the coming economic collapse willing to institute the Bilderberg global government concept into a newly structured international monetary system.